2000: Identifying Mind Control and Abductions

By Eve Lorgen, M.A. © 2000 Mind control is a vast subject matter involving many levels of sophisticated technologies designed to control human thought, emotion and behavior. Much information is already known about the application of what is sometimes referred as “non-lethal weapons technology.” My aim with this article and future ones will focus on the identification and recovery of both human and alien methods of mind control.* Proper identification and diagnostic assessment of these problems are necessary so that true support and therapy can be obtained for those seeking answers and help.* This will include mind control used in MILAB (Military) abductions. MILABS is a term used to describe abductions by human military personnel, reported by persons who also had the classic “alien […] Read More

1996: The Controllers – Table of Contents

by Martin Cannon Table of Contents I. Introduction The Problem The Hypothesis II. The Technology A Brief Overview Implants Subsequent Electrode Implant Research Abductee Implants A Question of Timing The Quandary Remote Hypnosis That’s Entrainment Wave Your Brain Goodbye Final Thoughts on “The Wave” III. Applications Palle Hardrup’s “Guardian Angel” Screen Memory The Super Spy Bases of Suspicion The Scandinavian Connection Helicopters and Discs The Military and Mind Control The Ultimate Motive For Mind Control IV. Abductions The Hill Case and the “Advanced” Aliens Arms and the Abductee “They Will Think It’s Flying Saucers” Glimpses of the Controllers Cults Grounds For Further Research Final Thoughts SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON MIND CONTROL REFERENCES

2005: A Female Abductee’s Revelations Of Hybrid Infiltration

By James Bartley This is an interview with a woman known as “Karen” who is an abductee. Karen has had many experiences with the Greys, a Grey-Reptilian hybrid and Human-appearing hybrids. Karen provides a tremendous amount of insight into the activities of the ETs and in particular the human-appearing hybrids. She has witnessed many different forms of ET mind control and has been beaten and raped numerous times by the human-appearing hybrids. The ETs utilized a variety of technological devices on her which she describes in this interview. In the interview phase of this paper, “JB” stands for James Bartley and “KA” stands for Karen. After the interview portion of the paper I will write an analysis and summary of the revelations given by […] Read More

2009: Up to 1 billion humans are abducted by hyperdimensional ETs, and humans are in cognitive dissonance

June 4, 6:05 PM Mactonnies: Reported Gray hyper-dimensional Empirical, replicable research published by ICAR, the International Community for Alien Research, confirms that a hyper-dimensional civilization consisting of amphibian reptilian hybrids and Gray cybernetic clones have reportedly abducted approximately 1 billion out of the current estimated human population of 6,783,421,727 as of May 31, 2009, or approximately 14.7 percent of the present world population. These 1 billion human abductees, according to the replicable empirical research, – have had their consciousness and/or their physical bodies taken by a quantum, hyperdimensional process, and returned to their original location (and in some cases original time) with erased memories of the abduction. Memories of the hyper-dimensional abduction retrieved through hypnotic regression and similar techniques reveal consistent patterns during the […] Read More

2004: Alien Abductions in the 21st Century: A Commentary by an Alien Abductee

By James Bartley © 2004 I have had the opportunity to observe at fairly close quarters how the media and the mainstream UFO research community has treated the subject of Alien Abductions. The media has by and large dismissed the subject out of hand as being frivolous and unworthy of serious study. This is due in large part to the CIA’s infiltration and ownership of numerous media outlets. There are countless journalists who are paid “Assets” of the CIA and other Intelligence agencies. Nowadays many “Educational” programs on cable television are used to discredit the testimony of alien abductees and to debunk sightings of UFOs and non-human beings. UFO Witnesses and Alien Abductees are dismissed as “UFO Believers” in the mainstream print and electronic […] Read More

1988: Mind Control & Abductions

by Martin Cannon. [This is a transcript of a taped talk given by Martin Cannon via telephone to the UFO contact center international group meeting in 1988] All I can say is that I have been, for over a year now, pursuing a specific theory of UFO abductions which has royally ticked off everybody that I’ve come in contact with believer and skeptic alike. This is a theory that I think, designed to make me hate it. I’m primarily interested in the government’s involvement in the UFO phenomena. Specifically, it seems to me, and I might as well lay out all my cards on the table at once, it seems to be the abduction phenomenon might just be a ploy, that the aliens are […] Read More

2006: Are Alien Abductions Real?

07.17.2006 B. Booth Are alien abductions real, or are they a product of a dream, sleep paralysis, or just an overactive imagination? Those who claim to have been abducted or “abductees,” as they are called today, say that they are being awakened from sleep, and transported to an alien spacecraft. Hard core scientists believe that these abductees never left their bed. Once the abductees are aboard the alien craft they are subjected to medical tests by strange looking creatures not of this world. These tests vary greatly from one account to another, but generally consist of a general overview of the human body, and sometimes sexual probing. Men may be milked of their sperm; women may have their eggs taken. Tormented afterwards by nightmares […] Read More

1999: Abductions: The Truth

John C. Thompson Since the modern era of abductions began with the Barney and Betty Hill UFO close encounter of September 19, 1961, in New Hampshire, ufology has never been the same. Before the Hills’ encounter, UFO sightings were investigated in a prescribed, straight forward manner that involved gathering supporting evidence while simultaneously trying to disprove a witness’s account. The Hill’s remarkable experience injected a new element, regressive hypnosis. In the future, entity-related cases hypnosis would often come to be the only means to prove or disprove an alleged encounter with aliens. Hypnotherapy, in short, became a quick truth serum that often eliminated the necessity of independent witnesses and background checks of the alleged abductees. The lack of supporting physical evidence and why abductions, […] Read More

1997: The Afterglow of the UFO Abduction Experience

Fluorescence Markings Found On Claimants Of Alien/Extraterrestrial Contact By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. How often have you heard about the aftermath of the classic alien abduction experience: a UFO sighting, missing time, unusual body marks, dreamlike memories of large black eyed alien creatures, and varying degrees of post traumatic stress? But, on the other hand, have you ever heard about the afterglow of the alien abduction experience? Derrel Sims, Chief Investigator of UFO Abductions for Houston UFO Network (HUFON), discovered unusual fluorescence markings on numerous abductees who claimed alien contact. According to Sims, he got the idea from his research and the fact that fluorescence – a luminescent light emission in the presence of an ultraviolet (black light) energy source – was observed […] Read More

1998: Underground Abductions: Whereto?

On page 175 of Alien Identities, Dr. Richard L Thompson ( http://www.afn.org/~bvi ) relates an underground abduction case where the underground base was accessed through the sea by UFO: “ On the evening of January 3, 1979, Cardenas, his friend Fernando Marti, and Marti’s wife and 13-year-old daughter were driving around on the outskirts of Hialeah, looking for a pig they could buy for a roast. They were unsuccessful, and on the way home their car engine quit. The two men testified that the lights and starter wouldn’t work, and so they got out and began to look under the hood. At this point, they suddenly saw red and violet alternating lights reflecting off the engine and heard a sound like ‘many bees.’ … […] Read More

2011: Horus-Ra as the Archontic Alien Parasite

A follow-up interview with Maarit a Scandinavian MILAB-abductee Posted on December 13, 2011 By Eve Lorgen Synopsis This article focuses on the parasitic nature of Horus-Ra as an “Archontic” interdimensional being discovered within the milab and alien abduction experience. The notation as Horus-Ra was chosen due to the being’s similar appearance to the ancient Egyptian hawk-headed being, as well as taking a snake-like form. A follow-up interview with Maarit, a Scandinavian milab, is featured as the key witness of a most fascinating, bizarre and disturbing account that involves elements of alien and milab abductions, rituals, genetic manipulation, mind control and outright spiritual warfare. The article is divided into several categories: Ancient Gnostic View of Archons as described in tractates of the Nag Hammadi Library […] Read More

1996: Are You An Alien Abductee?

52 Indicators of UFO encounters or abduction by aliens Many millions of people, it seems, have had encounters with alien beings. Many of those people do not realize that they are having these experiences because of suppressed memories. Their awareness is limited to an occasional paranormal incident that seems to confuse them more than anything else. Some people are not ready to know for sure, others feel a deep need to know if they are involved with the beings. If you are in the latter group, read on. This is a list of 52 common indicators shared by most UFO abductees. It is based on known research on the subject and on personal findings. It has been compiled to help you determine if you […] Read More

2007: The alien abduction story and non-physical reality

William C. Treurniet, July 2007 Summary. Analysis of the alien abduction story suggests that the sequence of events is comparable to some experiences of the shamanic spirit world as revealed by DMT, a hallucinogenic drug. In the trance state, some people see beings similar to those reported by abductees. Therefore, it is possible that abductees involuntarily manufacture excessive endogenous DMT, which then opens the door to the spirit world. Further, the physical evidence associated with some abductions suggests that happenings in the spirit world can manifest in the physical world. Finally, since the alien abductors appear in the DMT visions, they are inhabitants of the spirit world and likely are not directly responsible for the UFOs seen in the physical world. Background Many people […] Read More