2010: Operation TANGO-SIERRA – Humanoid Infiltration

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: Operation TANGO-SIERRA Mission:  It involved U.S. intelligence capturing an alien being living among us. Date Started: early 1980. Ended: lasted nine months Who or Whom Started It: involved approximately 60 intelligence officers. Every intelligence gathering capability was utilized at the time: Ground, aerial surveillance, telephone wiretaps, photographic evidence, and other undisclosed clandestine operations were all conducted and some simultaneously in concert with one another Part of what Government Agency: U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and other U.S. government agencies have been involved in security activities involving human-appearing extraterrestrial beings in the U.S. Location: D.C area. Special Features/Characteristics:   Source: Summary/Description: Full Report American Chronicle and Joint Recon Study Group – According to accounts released […] Read More

1996: The Scientific Context of the UFO/Abduction Phenomenon

 Don Donderi, Ph.D Summary: The purpose of this essay is to explain how to clarify the evidence for or against the reality of UFO abductions. Many workers in this field have modified the conventional meaning of both the word “reality” and the word “abduction.” I do not accept these modifications. A UFO abduction, if it occurs, is a physical event. Don Donderi is an Associate Professor of Psychology at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. His basic research interests include human perception and memory, and his applied work is in the field of human factors and ergonomics. He is a principal of Human Factors North, Inc., a Toronto-based ergonomics consulting firm. Essay originally appeared in: International UFO Reporter, Spring 1996, Volume 21, Number 1 Copyright 1996 […] Read More

2010: MILABS: A Pandora’s Box

By Eve Lorgen, M.A. “…a handful of lucid, aware abductees who are resilient spiritual warriors, may offer a clearer perception of what evidence we are seeking, rather than a hundred or more abductees still struggling with perceptual barriers, or those seeking approval from the same systems which have invalidated and enslaved them…” — Eve Lorgen Introduction To preface this two-part article and my interview with Lilu, a female MILAB from Australia, I find it important to discuss specific issues pertaining to the MILAB experience itself. My understanding of a MILAB, is that they are a genuine alien abductee who also remembers interactions with a military human element and/or a shadow government faction in or out of their alien encounters. The military presence may appear […] Read More


Image via Wikipedia By James Bartley © 2002 NOTE: All rights are reserved and all articles hold copyright by each author and their respective website. No part of this article can be published in part or in any form without expressed written consent from each assigned agent by emailing here. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The thesis of this treatise is that certain individuals within the UFO, paranormal and conspiracy research fields are often used, wittingly or unwittingly, to control and manipulate others. We hope the information in this treatise can spare others the grief and misery that comes from interacting with controlling and manipulative people. Sometimes this sort of disruption can last for an extended period of time. If the person […] Read More

2006: On the March (REVISED) Part One through Six

Written by James Bartley © 2006 Part 1 of a series. This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its […] Read More

1998: Abductions

A lot of people have been abducted by aliens. Scientific research by experts like the late Harvard Prof. John Mack, the MIT’s Prof. David Pritchard, Prof. David Jacobs, Leo Sprinkle, or Budd Hopkins revealed that at least 4 million people within the USA have been abducted, and that’s the most conservative estimate. As only 20 to 25 % of the people that have been abducted, have a conscious recollection of the event, the actual amounts of abductees may be even a lot higher. The research also confirmed that something very real is happening to them. Some, if not a majority, of these abductees report physical abuse, or being forced to take part in breeding programs, physical experiments, etc. In most cases the abductors are […] Read More

2000: Alien Civil Affairs Programs

by James Bartley © 2000 Many abductees succumb to the smoke and mirrors deceptions that are prevalent within the New Age Movement. The New Age seems to offer instant answers, acceptance and validation to someone who is undergoing alien abduction experiences. The New Age propagandist relate everything that happens to an abductee (or as they prefer, a Contactee or Experiencer) as part of an ongoing process of Spiritual Enlightenment. As we shall see, things are not always as they seem. In the first of a series of articles I will point out the methodology in which an abductee is lured into an involvement and acceptance of New Age Belief Systems which will hinder their ability to recognize the nature of the manipulation they are […] Read More

1990: Cultural Background of UFO Abduction Reports

copyright (c) 1990 by Martin S. Kottmeyer [Reprinted from “Magonia” Magazine, Jan. 1990, by permission of the author] Culture is an admixture of repetition and variation, convention and creativity, signals and noise. It is ever new and forever old as humanity relives old dreams and nightmares or forgets and forges new ones. Part of the delight of history is the recognition that however new a given event appears, traces of the past can generally be discerned. If the UFO phenomenon is an artifact of culture one would reasonably expect that cultural antecedent could be recognized for the major features it presents. Extraterrestrials, however, should be independent of culture and if they are newly arrived their characteristics should represent a discontinuity with the past. Abduction […] Read More

1988: A Strange Connection

BY MICHAEL F. CORBIN PARA NET OMEGA/THE NOVASTAR GROUP EYE IN THE SKY INFORMATION SERVICE NETWORK ADDRESS: 1:104/422.102—(303)431-1343 (C)1988 by The NovaStar Group Information Service. All Rights Reserved. —————————————————————– Abduction…to take away a person by force (against the free will of the person abducted). (The Merriam Webster Dictionary, paraphrase by Michael Corbin). This word is associated with many things that one would read about in the newspaper virtually every day. The Iranian hostages, a young girl abducted by two men and held for ransom. But, the word ‘abduction’ has even more serious implications of late. Whitley Streiber‘s abduction, Budd Hopkins‘ abduction studies. What does this mean? Over the last few years, there has been an ever-increasing rate of alien abductions of human beings. As […] Read More

1998: Are Mass Abductions Occurring Under the Cover of Darkness?

Thanks to George A. Filer for this incredible report from Filer’s Files #30-1998  MUFON’s John Thompson reports that more proof has emerged that a giant saucer-shaped UFO is visiting the Troup-Heard Corridor in west-central Georgia. A LaGrange man says that about 19 months ago three silvery dark beings of 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall entered his home by coming through his bedroom wall. He said, they seemed to “Freeze” him. They then took him through his bedroom wall. The entities have a ceramic-like skin with no seams or wrinkles. The witness thought the entities might have been a solid form of energy. Although his glimpses of them were distorted, he felt watching them was like “looking at coins in a deep pool of […] Read More

1992: Abductees

At the 1992 MIT Conference on abductions, Mark Rodeghier proposed the following definition of abductees: To qualify as an abductee, a person must be taken against his or her will, from terrestrial surroundings, by non-human beings. These beings must take a person to an enclosed place, non-terrestrial in appearance, that is assumed or known to be a spacecraft by the witness. In this place, the person must either be subjected to a physical examination, engaged in communication, verbal or telepathic, or both. These experiences may be remembered consciously or through methods of focused concentration, such as hypnosis. Source: C.D.B. Bryan, Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.

2007: A interview with Jim Sparks 1

Jim Sparks and The Keepers A video interview with Jim Sparks Las Vegas, June 2007 Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan Start of interview Bill Ryan: Jim Sparks, we’re delighted to be talking with you today. I’m Bill Ryan; I’m half of the team with Kerry Cassidy that’s Project Camelot. One of the things that we do is we present different jigsaw puzzle pieces of what is a very large picture. There are a lot of people out there watching this video now, who’ll be as interested in putting these together as you are and we are. Jim Sparks: Okay. B: Now, we’re talking to you today because from what we understand you have one or two possible significant pieces, […] Read More

2007: Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D. 1

CF: You are widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the field of UFO and “alien-abduction” research. How did you get started in your study of these things? KT: Our family knew nothing about the phenomenon when we started having UFO sightings and abduction encounters. Being a researcher, I turned to the UFO literature for an explanation. When I absorbed what was available, I found no answers that I felt were trustworthy. I decided that this was a crucial situation for my family (if not globally), and the only way I could get answers was to do the research myself. The only way to do the research, in this case, was to go out into the field and deal with abduction cases. […] Read More

2007: Interview with Barbara Bartholic 1

by Karmatoo http://www.karmapolis.be/pipeline/interview_barbara.htm Forward by James Bartley This is a recent interview given to a French journalist by my mentor Barbara Bartholic. Barbara is the greatest alien abduction researcher in the world, bar none. In the interview, the journalist mentions me in relation to the research into the crystal methamphetamine/crank connection to the reptilians and alien abductions thus giving the reader the mistaken impression that I had pioneered work in that particular field. In fact, Barbara Bartholic was the pioneer in the crystal meth/alien abduction connection. She had tutored me in the nuances of this particularly troubling facet of the alien abduction syndrome and I then independently confirmed her findings and added some of my own. Many have wondered as to the exact nature […] Read More