2006: “ET Murders Most Foul”

Part 1(Dedicated to the memory of Todd Sees of Montour, PA) by Robert D. Morningstar North Brunchilli, Australia 1992 Watch this video! New York City, September 11th, 2006 The following is a detailed analysis and description of the gruesome AA Ambulance Film Clip from Ray Santilli’s comedy film “Alien Autopsy (with Art and Dec). This article is being published in reply today, September 11, 2006, to an email from Mr. Nick Balaskas, posted this morning on UFO Updates, which read: Hi Everyone! The video on the web site below was brought to my attention by a friend on Saturday after I came to work to watch fellow Canadian and York alumnus Steve MacLean blast-off in space in Atlantis live on the big screen and, afterwards, […] Read More

1987: Ethical Implications of the UFO Abductions Phenomenon

by Budd Hopkins It is in the nature of human psychology that an event as dramatic as contact with extraterrestrial intelligence can not be thought about _neutrally_, without deep-seated hopes and preconceptions. Most of us, I’m certain, prefer to believe that extraterrestrials would arrive on our planet as friendly, helpful beings, eager to share their technology and to aid us in solving our social and ecological problems. Upon this basic and very human wish certain people have erected a powerful set of interpretations of modern-day UFO reports. These hopes, hardened into a kind of theology, can be described as a modern religion, willed into existence after the decline of our more traditional deities. After all, we have been told more than once that God […] Read More