1977: MYSTERIES OF THE GODS – William Shatner

William Shatner explores the theory that the U.S. government is involved in a cover-up of visiting alien spacecraft. Based on a book by Erich von Daniken, this documentary contains evidence of extraterrestrial life here on earth. Proof discovered through photographs taken by scientists and evidence of actual voyages found by archaeologists. Everything from the Peruvian Crystal Skull to the megalith structures in the jungles of Southeast Asia is accepted as evidence for the AAS theory. Cave drawings, old legends, Biblical stories and even some psychic visions of late Jeane Dixon are understood as stone-cold facts. Eric von Däniken‘s reputation was still quite unspoiled at the time so all the arguments (even the most far-fetched) are shown with great confidence.

1999: Vimanas: The Ancient Indian Astronaut Connection

Colin Mulligan Summary: I first remember reading about vimanas, i.e. highly advanced ancient Indian flying machines, in Chariots Of The Gods, the first international best-seller of the controversial author Erich Von Daniken. Down the years I have come across several other interesting references to vimanas elsewhere, too. It wasn’t , however, until I recently received an e mail from an Indian reader of my article Ancient Astronauts, that I recalled just how very intriguing these vimanas and, indeed, many other references to space travel and fantastically advanced technology in ancient Indian texts are. To this end, the following piece is intended to take a fresh look at vimanas and, moreover, explore the Indian ancient astronaut connection in general. I first remember reading about vimanas, […] Read More

1997: Unvoiced Testimony: Visitors in the Dawn Times?

Scott Corrales original source Summary: The branch of UFO research which could rightly deserve the appellation of “paleoufology” constituted a controversial field of investigation during the 1970s, when authors like Otto Binder (Unsolved Mysteries of the Past), Richard E. Mooney (Gods of Air and Darkness), and Erich Von Daniken (Chariots of the Gods?) wrote extensively on human/alien interaction at the dawn of recorded history and even earlier. The branch of UFO research which could rightly deserve the appellation of “paleoufology” constituted a controversial field of investigation during the 1970s, when authors like Otto Binder (Unsolved Mysteries of the Past), Richard E. Mooney (Gods of Air and Darkness), and Erich Von Daniken (Chariots of the Gods?) wrote extensively on human/alien interaction at the dawn of […] Read More

2002: Gods from Outer Space?

Christy Taylor Summary: Have we been visited? Have extra-terrestrials influenced our history? If you look at mythology, it appears we have been visited! Almost all mythologies (Christian mythology included) mentions some sort of flying gods. Have we been visited? Have extra-terrestrials influenced our history? If you look at mythology, it appears we have been visited! Almost all mythologies (Christian mythology included) mentions some sort of flying gods. In the Algonquin myth (as told in J.F. Bierlein’s book “Parallel Myths”) a hunter, Algon comes upon a circle cut in the grass. Hiding in the bushes, he watches a great willow basket descend from the sky, and twelve beautiful maidens emerge. Doesn’t this description of a flying “basket” sound similar to modern reports of “flying saucers”? […] Read More