1990’s?: Ernst Zündel’s UFO Research

Ernst Zündel‘s views on censorship TELEPHONE (416) 922-9850 ACHTUNG! SAMISDAT NEWS BULLETIN SAMISDAT HOLLOW EARTH EXPEDITION $9999.00 IN SEARCH OF HOLES IN THE POLES SEARCH FOR HITLER’S ANTARCTIC U.F.O. BASES Due to an overwhelming number of letters and telephone calls requesting details about our new books, new products, speaking tours, psychic research projects and our intensive experimental UFO-construction programs, we have to use this less personal form of keeping in touch with our many friends and collaborators around the world. Your response to our most recent mail out and activities has been most encouraging! We have received orders and enquiries from as far away as Noumea in the south Pacific, Easter Island, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, Mexico, Soviet Satellite countries, China, South Africa, […] Read More


In 1947 Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal sent a naval task force to the Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen, and Admiral Byrd, called “Operation Highjump”. It was touted to be an expedition to find “coal deposits” and other valuable resources, but in actuality, they were trying to find the underground base of the Nazis (Aryans) in Neuschwabenlandt. The Nazis had done a very detailed study of Antarctic and were alleged to have built an underground base there.  In this regard, however, the Aryans have had an underground habitation in the Antarctic for more than a million years. The task force of OVER 40 SHIPS, included the flagship “Mount  Olympus”, the aircraft carrier “Philippine Sea“, the seaplane tender  “Pine Sea”, the submarine “Senate”, […] Read More

1940s: The Hefferlin Manuscript

Typewritten and handwritten copies of these manuscripts have been in circulation since the Hefferlins, began releasing them from Livingston, Montana in the late 1940s. At the time the Hefferlins first heard of Rainbow City in the Antarctic, sometime in 1940 according to them, the information was so fantastic as to be beyond belief. It is still unbelievable to most people that there in the frozen wastes lies a great city, comfortably warm, full of scientific marvels from some great, hitherto unknown civilization of the past. Nevertheless, they were convinced the information was true and cautiously released it a little at a time to the few they found understanding and receptive. Hefferlin claims he designed a flyable, circle-winged plane before Frying Saucers became news in […] Read More

TECHNOREALITIES: Part 9: Australian Alien bases

THE AMERICAN BASE IN ANTARCTICA. The secret American Antarctic Base is an integral part of America’s network and linked via satellite to Pine Gap and other bases in Australia, Christchurch in New Zealand, Punta Arenas in Southern Chile and the long standing C.I.A./NSA base in Cape Town, South Africa according the the Fortress Australia writer. Large trenches were mined in which buildings were placed in neat rows, then covered with now deep ice and snow, due to the natural ice build up. Due to the large airspaces in the trenches, now tunnels, the ambient temperature of the air was raised to above freezing level without effecting the surrounding ice. This combined with the individual heated buildings make it a comfortable place to live.The main […] Read More

1946 – 1947: Operation Highjump

Dear Sir, The so-called “Expedition” by Rear Admiral Byrd was officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-47” and was code-named “Operation Highjump”.  This operation is fairly well documented (just google it) and although there was a “hidden agenda”, the truth is quite unspectacular to say the least. In order to understand what was going on we need to examine an old whaling practice, dating back to the 19th century.  Whalers (or better said the companies who owned the vessels) used to stockpile food, equipment, material, etc. on deserted islands near the Antarctic (and the Arctic as well for that matter) in case they’d run  into problems.  During the first World War, the British Admiralty feared German U-boats would use these stocks […] Read More