From Kingdom Voice March 1998 The following facts confirm the existence of documented UFO sightings by American astronauts. MAJOR GORDON COOPER: One of the original Mercury Astronauts and the last American to fly in space alone. On May 15, 1963, he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Gordon Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea (near Perth, Australia) that he could see a glowing greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid, because it was picked up by Muchea’s tracking radar. Cooper’s sighting was reported by the National Broadcasting Company, which was covering the flight step by step; but when Cooper landed, reporters […] Read More

1997: Apollo 12 Sightings

by Donald B. Ratsch On Friday November 13, 1997 by pre arrangement I traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with ORTK member and MUFON’s Representative for Washington D.C. Elaine Douglas. Elaine knew I was interested in and collected NASA UFO footage. She wanted me to meet a man she knew that could give me some interesting information on that subject. She also wanted me to show this man my collection of NASA UFO footage. He was to arrive at Elaine’s apartment at 10:30am so I arrived 30 minutes earlier at 10:00am. At precisely 10:30am there was a knock on her door and I opened it for Elaine. The man was well dressed and looked in his forties. Elaine introduced us and we exchanged small […] Read More


LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon. Some sources say it was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft -described in sighting reports as MOTHER SHIPS – exist there. Supposedly, the Secret Government has used this base since at least the early ’60s, i.e., about ten years before man officially first walked the moon. The Clementine project is a project that investigated the possibility of bases on the moon, as part of the so-called Alternative 3. As part of the Clementine Project and Alternative 3, equipment would have been sent to the moon to set up a mixed human-alien base, called Luna. Whiteout was the […] Read More

2013: NASA Employed Photo Artists To Airbrush Out Apollo Anomalies!

Finally, film evidence has come to light proving that NASA has been airbrushing out anomalous objects on the moon’s surface! During the Disclosure Project press conference, former NASA employee, Donna Hare, revealed how NASA managed to cover up and erase anomalies such as UFOs from satellite photos. She was a female slide technician and received numerous space awards including the 1969 Apollo Achievement award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973 Skylab award, a medallion for success on the Skylab-Suez Test project. Other awards for her skill as a technical Artist includes a 1994 recommendation by Texas Governor Ann Richards to the Advisory Committee of Psychology Associates. Donna Hare (formerly (Tietze) has spent most of her professional life involved in the Space Program as a […] Read More

Jacques Vallee Discusses UFO Control System

Dr. Jacques Vallee, a French-American computer specialist with a background in astrophysics, once served as a consultant to NASA’s Mars Map project. Jacques Vallee is one of ufology’s major figures – and also its most original thinker. Vallee, who holds a master’s degree in astrophysics and a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University, was an early scientific proponent of the theory that UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships. His first book, Anatomy of a Phenomenon (Henry Regnery, 1965), argued eloquently that “through UFO activity … the contours of an amazingly complex intelligent life beyond the earth can already be discerned.” In Challenge to Science – The UFO Enigma (Regnery, 1966) he and Janine Vallee (who is a psychologist by training, with a master’s degree from […] Read More