2014: Lockheed Martin scientist: ‘There are ALIENS and UFOs at Area 51′

A former Lockheed Martin scientist says there are aliens and UFOs at Area 51, and he says he has the photos to prove it. Jason McClellan also presents a story quite fitting for Halloween about UFOs and spiders. That and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out! Stories discussed on this episode: Poll reveals that more Brits believe in aliens than in God. Odd distribution of organics in Titan’s atmosphere could be a sign of life. Bob Lazar to appear at the 2015 International UFO Congress. A former Lockheed Martin scientist says there really are aliens and UFOs at Area 51. SOURCE: Lockheed Martin scientist: ‘There are ALIENS and UFOs at Area 51′

1998: Nellis, UFO Buffs, War Games And Deadly Crashes

Source: The Las Vegas Sun [NV] Date: Sept 5 1998 Tim Dahlberg [AP] LAS VEGAS – The F-117 stealth fighter flew secret nighttime tests there. So did the U-2 and other spy planes. UFO buffs believe the government studies aliens in a top-security area on its northern fringe. Military mysteries aside, it’s no secret Nellis Air Force Base range can be a deadly place. The crash of two helicopters about 25 miles south of the top-secret Area 51 section of the range in the early morning darkness Friday was the latest deadly mishap in an area where pilots and crew practice dangerous war games nearly every day high above desert floor. Though Area 51 and its secret programs are steeped in mystery, the war games […] Read More

The Confusing World of UFOlogy

By Jay Barrymore Some have commented about the amount of bickering that occurs between those of the various religious factions, but nothing can compare to the amount of treachery, back-stabbing, and rumor-mongering that occurs among those who consider themselves UFO researchers. Part of the reason for this is that UFOlogy is becoming a New Age religion in its own right. It is developing its own mythology and dogma, with die-hard believers of various organizations committed to UFO research which can be likened to “sects” or denominations. No religion wouldn’t be complete without its own soothsayers, of which there are many types as well, from those who channel alien entities from other galaxies to UFO spokespeople who claim to have government informants with the impending […] Read More

1998: Area 51 last of secret military bases

Copyright c 1998 Nando.net Copyright c 1998 Scripps Howard (August 5, 1998 00:30 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) – Many people who believe in UFO’s also believe “Area 51” is where the Air Force keeps its stockpile of captured flying saucers. And maybe an autopsied alien body or two. Others believe the military base in the southern Nevada desert is the testing grounds for America’s most secret military machines, everything from the F-117 stealth fighter to electromagnetic pulse weapons that would make Buck Rogers nervous. What is certain is that there is something out there in that moonscape property north of Las Vegas. Officially designated the “Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range” on Nevada maps, the federally protected territory in Nye, Lincoln and Clark counties […] Read More

1998: Area 51: Alive, Well & Expanding?

by Norio Hayakawa (Groomwatch@aol.com) There is no substance whatsoever to the ridiculous rumor that AREA 51 and its operations were abandoned and were relocated elsewhere, such as to Utah. Basically, this rumor had originated from what appeared to be a disinformative article that first appeared in the June 1997 issue of POPULAR MECHANICS. The unexpected article no doubt was greatly “appreciated” by Nellis AFB and particularly those at the “remote operating base” at Groom Lake, Nevada. The folks at Nellis AFB probably rolled on floor laughing over the article, which was for the most part filled with factual errors, much to their absolute delight!! The June, 1997, POPULAR MECHANICS piece also must have brought much delight to the then Secretary of the Air Force, […] Read More

1998: Nellis, UFO Buffs, War Games And Deadly Crashes

Source: The Las Vegas Sun [NV] Date: Sept 5 1998 Tim Dahlberg [AP] LAS VEGAS – The F-117 stealth fighter flew secret nighttime tests there. So did the U-2 and other spy planes. UFO buffs believe the government studies aliens in a top-security area on its northern fringe. Military mysteries aside, it’s no secret Nellis Air Force Base range can be a deadly place. The crash of two helicopters about 25 miles south of the top-secret Area 51 section of the range in the early morning darkness Friday was the latest deadly mishap in an area where pilots and crew practice dangerous war games nearly every day high above the desert floor. Though Area 51 and its secret programs are steeped in mystery, the war […] Read More

1994: The Middle of the F***ing Desert (A Trip to Groom Lake)

Please feel free to photocopy the text or send or post this document electronically to anyone who you think might be interested. My only requests are; (1) You do it without charge. (2) You copy or send this document in unaltered form and in its entirety, not as partial excerpts. (3) This notice appears on all copies. 06/26/94 The Middle of the Fucking Desert (A Trip to Groom Lake) Ok, here’s my story… After a fun-filled weekend of gambling, smoking cigars, and drinking many icy cold, alcoholic beverages, I dropped my friend off at McCarran airport. He was leaving on Sunday and had to be at work the next morning. I couldn’t get a flight out on Sunday and thus had to spend one […] Read More

1997: Unknown Site Remains SO

Sunday, Dec. 14, 1997 UNKNOWN SITE REMAINS SO Linda Watanabe McFerrin SPECIAL TO THE EXAMINER Darlington’s informants – desert denizens, road warriors, con artists, and self-proclaimed extraterrestrials – are a colorful lot, and their stories about alien abductions, government conspiracies, and interstellar travel rival the best from the Twilight Zone. Darlington walks among them with heroic impartiality on his sober and ultimately sobering prowl of Dreamland‘s dramatic periphery. When he digs deeper, the stories get wilder. Witnesses report on aliens called “little grays,” saucers propelled by elements that do not exist in this solar system, the use of humans as guinea pigs, and New World Order conspiracies. There are tales about back-engineering captive flying saucers, interactions with aliens, neighbors from Alpha Reticuli and Invisible […] Read More

1995: Transcript of V.L.’s Custer

Transcript of V.L.’s Custer, South Dakota Meeting in August 1995. This is a transcript from a tape of a talk that he gave regarding his 12 years at Area 51. V.L. is an upstanding citizen, a gentleman, and speaks the truth, this we assure you. I spent from June of 1965 to August of 1977 directly on the Nevada Test Site, worked there full time. I was Radiation – Health and Safety. Most of the time I worked there, I either worked for Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory out of Livermore, Berkeley rather, California or Sandia Corporation out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. All those testing laboratories have since changed their names. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory is now the Lawrence National Laboratory, they don’t […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 9b

A: Well, that is difficult to answer because that is assuming that thought centers are located. And, of course, this is a concept area in which you are not fully familiar as of yet. So, an attempt to answer this in any way that would make sense to you would probably not be fruitful. We suggest slowing down and carefully formulating questions. Q: (L) At what level of density do these thought centers have their primary focus? A: Thought centers do not have a primary focus in any level of density. This is precisely the point. You are not completely familiar with the reality of what thoughts are. We have spoken to you on many levels and have detailed many areas involving density level, […] Read More

Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves

Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves By Richard Hall Over the past 50 years a seeming outbreak of UFO sightings has captured public and news media attention on average about every five to eight years. Sometimes the sightings have been sufficiently spectacular that the publicity has led someone to attempt a scientific study, but these studies usually bog down in confusion and controversy, and the interest fades away. News media interest comes and goes, the press tending to treat UFOs as a “silly season” topic. Ufologists continue to compile data suggesting that UFO sightings tend to come in waves, but no particular pattern has been found that would even begin to bowl scientists off their feet. For whatever reasons, the UFO phenomenon—or attention to it—ebbs […] Read More

1999: Government Scientist goes Public

Considerable Evidence Supporting His Claims Evidence supporting his claims is considerable. In addition to his claiming Naval Intelligence work at S4 (15 miles southwest of Area 51) from late 1988 to early 1989, Robert Lazar claimed to have worked at the Meson Physics lab, a part of the Los Alamos National Laboratories. The FBI is still dragging its feet in investigating his employment there, even though former Nevada Congressman James Bilbray asked it to investigate over four years ago. Evidently, FBI agents are still scratching their heads, wondering how to both deny his employment at Los Alamos and explain why his name is in an old telephone directory of Los Alamos scientists. An article by staff writer Terry England in the June 27, 1982 […] Read More

2007: New Top Secret Construction at Area 51

George Knapp, Chief Investigative Reporter I-Team: New Top Secret Construction at Area 51 July 23, 2007, 06:11 PM Something big is in the works at Nevada’s legendary Area 51 military base. A massive new building is under construction at the top-secret location. Aviation experts say there’s a good chance that a new, highly classified aircraft might soon be zipping around the Nevada skies. What kind of aircraft? One possibility is a successor to the SR-71 spy plane, the SR-72. The SR-71 Blackbird is widely regarded as the greatest airplane ever built. It sliced through the sky at Mach 3 and still reigns, officially anyway, as the fastest plane in history. Groom Lake, also known as Area 51, was home for the Blackbird during its […] Read More

UFO Basics, "A – Z"

Adamski, George – George, who ran a café near the Mount Palomar Observatory, was the most famous of the contactees of the early fifties. In his book Flying Saucers Have Landed, he claimed to have met aliens from Venus. This was before scientists learned that Venus has a surface temperature of around 900 degrees. He later claimed to have been taken on board a flying saucer for a tour of the solar system. AFOSI – The Air Force Office of Special Investigations. A sort of Air Force version of the FBI. It is said to have been involved in UFO investigations many times. Airships or The Great Airship – In 1896 & 1897, there was a wave of sightings across the United States of […] Read More