Preserving Details of Your UFO Experience

By Harv Howard Perhaps many persons over the course of history have been contacted one way or another by superior beings. Ezekiel in the Christian Bible is probably the oldest and best-known example of an individual encounter. In more modern times under the guise of UFO encounters, there have been thousands of accounts preserved and reported in books, articles and on television. Since the UFO phenomena remain largely a mystery, each of these accounts regardless of content is important to our developing a comprehensive understanding of the many aspects of the UFO puzzle. Most of the reports captured in words and tape come from second, third, or further removed sources from the actual witness. Few of the accounts are the exact word-for-word records of […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 5a

Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind’s inability to deal with the event? A: It is an equal commingling of both. Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished? A: By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction. Q: (L) Can you be more specific? A: Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long wave or short wave cycles. Q: (L) Now, I have […] Read More

2007: A Most Dangerous Cargo on Crashed UFO’s…

–An Introductory Discussion of Scientific / Engineering aspects of ET Crash / Retrievals. It is this observer’s long concern and, that there is a sad utter lack, in our research community of a projective and anticipatory analysis, on what is, with high probability a truly stunning treasure trove that is held in UFO crash/retrieval engineering labs. Translated few have sat down and conducted a “break out”, system by system, a formal decomposition of what was a hidden harvest now diffused into the average automobile, commercial jet, PC, Server farm, or secret space ship. This has been accomplished with stealth and subterfuge, and very clever cover stories. It is not possible in a few words to support and justify this claim. Corso knew some small […] Read More