2015: UFO sightings increasing in Queensland, Australia, say researchers (Photos)

UFO researchers say UFO sightings are increasing in the state of Queensland in Australia. Recent sightings have included photos and video. UFO Research Queensland President Sheryl Gottschall told the Brisbane Times there has been a spike in reports over the last few months. She says, “We get about 100 calls a year and across Australia all up the UFO research groups get up to 800. That’s just the reported sightings – a lot go unreported.” Another representative from the Queensland UFO group agrees. In a radio interview with 4BC, Tino Pezzimenti says, “Only about 5% of reports or sightings actually get reported, so you can imagine. We get a couple hundred a year. That’s only probably 5% of people that actually find their way […] Read More


UFOs SUB ROSA* DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY By Bill Chalker copyright ©1996 Part Four DEFCON 3 TO TOP SECRET UMBRA – A NATIONAL SECURITY CRISIS WITH A UFO CONNECTION IN 1973 On a narrow west coast peninsula, over one thousand kilometers to the north of the main centers of population in Western Australia, stands an enigmatic monument to the military ethic. It is a remote spot even for a country as vast and thinly populated as Australia. A vast array of antennas and towers stand out in stark contrast to the harsh natural beauty of the surrounding terrain. The facility is divided into 3 principal sites – Areas A, B and C. Area A lies on the northernmost tip of the peninsula. […] Read More


UFOs SUB ROSA* DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY By Bill Chalker copyright ©1996 Part Two THE “SEA FURY” ENCOUNTER One of the most controversial radar visual reports of the fifties occurred on August 31st, 1954. The story leaked out in December, 1954, and made front page headlines. The official navy file on the event remained classified until the Directorate of Naval Intelligence released a copy upon my request in 1982. During his 1973 visit to Australia, Dr. Hynek was able to interview the pilot involved in this famous incident, which became known as the “Sea Fury” encounter. Dr. Hynek made his notes on this interview available to me during my 1984 visit to the Chicago headquarters of his organization, the Center […] Read More

1996: The Ultimate Secret – fact or fiction: The Australian Connection

by Bill Chalker (Copyright © B. Chalker – 1996) This article expands on some material that appears in the book The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story. The author can be contacted at: P.O. Box W 42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125, Australia by phone on Sydney 9484 4680 or via email: bchalker@ozemail.com.au The UFO “cover-up” argument sustains an extraordinary controversy. At its heart is the quest for proof of the Ultimate Secret. The Ultimate Secret purports to be this: UFOs are real. They are extra-terrestrial in origin. The extra-terrestrials (or ETs) are already visiting us. Some of their craft have crashed and been retrieved into military custody. In some cases, open contact has taken place, in a covert setting – a form […] Read More


UFOs, SUB ROSA*, DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY by Bill Chalker (Copyright © B. Chalker – 1996) The author is a leading Australian UFO researcher and a contributing editor to the International UFO Reporter. An industrial chemist with an honors science degree from the University of New England he has worked in quality assurance and laboratory management. His book, The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story, was published in 1996. He coordinates the NSW based UFO Investigation Center (UFOIC) and can be contacted at: P.O. Box W42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125 Australia Telephone: (02) 9484 4680 email: bchalker@ozemail.com.au * Sub Rosa: refers to “under the rose”, meaning “in secret”. CONTENTS: ACCESS TO THE OFFICIAL AUSTRALIAN UFO FILES ACCESS […] Read More

1998: Abduction To The Far Reaches Of The Mind

The UFO phenomena, like any covert operation builds instant distrust by it’s very nature of secrecy and hidden agendas. A new phenomena which I have called “Master / Slave” has come to the fore. An abductee’s mind has been so messed up by ongoing abductions, mind scans, mis- information from the aliens that they look inside to the spiritual sense of the abduction. Such phrases as, “you are special”, or “chosen”, or “you are saving the human race from certain cataclysm”, no matter, builds a “mission quest” into the psyche. This I feel stops the abductee going insane. (Often the search for deeper meaning and understanding in any experience either good or bad triggers the beginning of the healing process). You want to understand […] Read More

2008: Strategic US Military Intel Base in Pine Gap, Australia

by Richard Neville Global Research, April 30, 2008 richardneville.com – 2008-04-14 PINE GAP MIND GAP: A TERROR CELL THAT NEVER SLEEPS Once considered a wasteland, the vast red desert in Central Australia is a global hub of spiritual tourism. Each day hordes of pilgrims arrive at Alice Springs, equip themselves with 4-wheel drives, swags, maps and emergency rations, then set off to seek renewal. On tracks to remote gorges, sometimes dotted with the detritus of failed cattle stations, tourists in hats with fly-nets file towards the sacred hot spots. During a trek on the rim of Kings Canyon in Watarrka National Park, our path descended beside a string of pools shaded by ancient Cycad palms to an astonishing oasis known as the Garden of […] Read More


by W. B. Howard PART THREE OF A THREE-PART SERIES…. There are signs and lying wonders of a Satanic nature mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9. Of this I am absolutely certain, these are supernatural, spectatcular happenings,  designed  to lead mankind into an acceptance of Satan’s evil spirits and his plans for world domination. The Crop Circles which are appearing world wide are real, not a hoax, almost certainly a part of what is mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9!  They are not just circles, by the way, they are complicated  patterns called pictograms.  These can seriously affect yourself or your family in an adverse manner, if you  accept  them as being from God, or regard  their messages  as being communications of a holy or worthwhile […] Read More

1968: Why UFOs Aren’t Tracked by Radar?

James McDonald, Statement on UFOs to U.S. House Committee on Science and Aeronautics, 1968 Symposium on UFOs The skeptic who asks this question, and many do, is asking a very reasonable question. With so much radar equipment deployed all over the world, and especially within the United States, it seems sensible to expect that, if there are any airborne devices maneuvering in our airspace, they ought to show up on radars once in a while. They do indeed and have been doing so for all of the two decades that radar has been in widespread use. Here, as with so many other general misconceptions about the true state of the UFO problem, we encounter disturbingly large amounts of misinformation. As with other categories of […] Read More

2006: Underground Bases, Missing Children and ExtraTerrestrials

What You Need to Know for Your Future By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent – July 4, 2006 My name is James Casbolt. I worked for MI6 between 1995 and 1999 in (I am ashamed to say) the dreaded ‘black ops’. Here is a copy of my new article. I am trying to raise public awareness of the crimes against Humanity that are taking place in the DUMBS (deep underground military bases) around the world. I would be very happy if you could post this article on your website. In truth, James Casbolt 3/7/06 After the completion of my last article ‘MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade’ I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug […] Read More

1988: The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia

by Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic and Pony Godic of UFO Research Australia P.O. Box 229 Prospect, South Australia 5082 ============================================================== In July/August 1988 issue of IUR Budd Hopkins, referring to the testable fantasy-prone hypotheses advanced by Keith Basterfield and Bob Bartholomew, wrote that his advice was “to put their theory on the back burner and to look into any possible abductions that come their way.” Unfortunately, within Australia, this is easier said than done. There has been an apparent lack of well-documented abduction cases in this country. The authors, therefore, decided to review the situation on two fronts. First, they undertook an intensive examination of the Australian UFO literature. Second, they undertook to uncover any previously unreported cases. This article documents our findings to […] Read More

TECHNOREALITIES: Part 9: Australian Alien bases

THE AMERICAN BASE IN ANTARCTICA. The secret American Antarctic Base is an integral part of America’s network and linked via satellite to Pine Gap and other bases in Australia, Christchurch in New Zealand, Punta Arenas in Southern Chile and the long standing C.I.A./NSA base in Cape Town, South Africa according the the Fortress Australia writer. Large trenches were mined in which buildings were placed in neat rows, then covered with now deep ice and snow, due to the natural ice build up. Due to the large airspaces in the trenches, now tunnels, the ambient temperature of the air was raised to above freezing level without effecting the surrounding ice. This combined with the individual heated buildings make it a comfortable place to live.The main […] Read More

Top Physical Trace Cases – A Preliminary List

Ted Phillips, Center for Physical Trace Research Summary: The following is a preliminary list of High Strangeness cases involving physical traces associated with UFO sightings. It is not complete and will be added to as additional reports are received. These cases represent some of the high strangeness trace/landing events from a database of over 4,000 such events. Report 4/15/1930 Largentiere, France: multiple witnesses, cone-shaped, lands very close, projects beams, traces. Report 8/??/1933 Nipawin, Sask., 0700: multiple witnesses, a disc with 6 legs, occupants, 30 minutes, traces. Report 2/5/1934 Malselv, Norway: multiple witnesses, humanoids, footprints, traces. Report 12/25/45 Newland, MO: multiple witnesses, 2 minutes, house damage, traces. Report 7/11/46 Njurunda, Sweden: multiple witness, sphere, human effects, 7 ft crater liquid traces. Report 4/24/50 Varese, Italy: […] Read More