2013: The Shocking Truth About Alien Abductions (Powerful Video Evidence)

When we first hear about alien abductions, it is easy to dismiss the entire idea as crazy or unprovable nonsense. However, after doing a little research into the matter, you will find that there is actually a lot of evidence that supports their occurrence. Since the late 1950s, there have literally been millions of claims from people worldwide of being taken by extraterrestrial beings, often onboard a craft and into some kind of operating room where various invasive medical procedures are carried out. Some key similarities found in the majority of abduction claims include hours of missing time, gaps in memory, mysterious injuries/scars/implants, disorientation, reproductive issues, and other post-traumatic stress symptoms. On the other hand, there have been many reported cases of friendly contact […] Read More

1997: Betty Hill Disavows Modern Abduction Research

BETTY HILL and her husband Barney were apparently abducted by the occupants of a UFO in September 1961. The event became the template for the ever more elaborate abduction claims that we hear today. But they don’t impress Betty Hill, as PETER BROOKESMITH discovered when he visited her at home in New Hampshire. I’d heard about Betty’s acerbic opinions of the modern abduction phenomenon on the ufological grapevine. Naturally I wondered how far and in what ways we might agree. We talked a lot about cats (about 15 condescend to frequent her house) and politics and her own abduction, but her less than dewy-eyed approach to most of today’s abduction claims will probably surprise people more. Those who promote the abduction phenomenon or, by […] Read More

1993: Clinical Discrepancies between expected and observed data in patients reporting UFO Abductions: Implications for Treatment

RIMA E. LAIBOW, M.D. Child and Adult Psychiatry Cerridwen 13 Summit Terrace Dobbs’ Ferry, NY 10522 (914)693-3081 Clinical Discrepancies between expected and observed data in patients reporting UFO Abductions: Implications for Treatment ABSTRACT: IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THIS PAPER MAKES NO ATTEMPT TO ASSIGN OR WITHHOLD EXTERNAL VALIDITY RELATIVE TO UFO ABDUCTION SCENARIOS. Patients who believe themselves to be UFO abductees are a heterogeneous group widely dispersed along demographic and cultural lines. Careful examination of these patients and their abduction reports presents four areas of significant discrepancy between expected and observed data. Implications for the treatment of patients presenting UFO abduction scenarios are discussed. INTRODUCTION If a patient were to confide to a therapist that he had been abducted by aliens who took […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 7a

Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case? A: Part, but not “the whole thing.” Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason? A: Replacement. Q: (L) Replacement of what? A: You. Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific […] Read More

2006: Matthew D. from the U.K.

Have you ever considered that the alien abduction phenomena is not just a case of humans being kidnapped for experimental reasons? There is obviously an agenda going on, but even the most committed researcher in this matter should realize that these “experiments” have been going on for decades, and even the most unintelligent of “Galactic Visitors” would have understood the anatomy of the human body by now. I am also sure that enough hybrids have been produced to inhabit many a universe. So why does it carry on? Most abductees claim to be made docile before being taken, sometimes through solid walls or windows, to a strange room and placed on a table, etc, etc. It is a well-known assumption that the victim of […] Read More

2006: Are Alien Abductions Real?

07.17.2006 B. Booth Are alien abductions real, or are they a product of a dream, sleep paralysis, or just an overactive imagination? Those who claim to have been abducted or “abductees,” as they are called today, say that they are being awakened from sleep, and transported to an alien spacecraft. Hard core scientists believe that these abductees never left their bed. Once the abductees are aboard the alien craft they are subjected to medical tests by strange looking creatures not of this world. These tests vary greatly from one account to another, but generally consist of a general overview of the human body, and sometimes sexual probing. Men may be milked of their sperm; women may have their eggs taken. Tormented afterwards by nightmares […] Read More

1999: Abductions: The Truth

John C. Thompson Since the modern era of abductions began with the Barney and Betty Hill UFO close encounter of September 19, 1961, in New Hampshire, ufology has never been the same. Before the Hills’ encounter, UFO sightings were investigated in a prescribed, straight forward manner that involved gathering supporting evidence while simultaneously trying to disprove a witness’s account. The Hill’s remarkable experience injected a new element, regressive hypnosis. In the future, entity-related cases hypnosis would often come to be the only means to prove or disprove an alleged encounter with aliens. Hypnotherapy, in short, became a quick truth serum that often eliminated the necessity of independent witnesses and background checks of the alleged abductees. The lack of supporting physical evidence and why abductions, […] Read More

1990: Cultural Background of UFO Abduction Reports

copyright (c) 1990 by Martin S. Kottmeyer [Reprinted from “Magonia” Magazine, Jan. 1990, by permission of the author] Culture is an admixture of repetition and variation, convention and creativity, signals and noise. It is ever new and forever old as humanity relives old dreams and nightmares or forgets and forges new ones. Part of the delight of history is the recognition that however new a given event appears, traces of the past can generally be discerned. If the UFO phenomenon is an artifact of culture one would reasonably expect that cultural antecedent could be recognized for the major features it presents. Extraterrestrials, however, should be independent of culture and if they are newly arrived their characteristics should represent a discontinuity with the past. Abduction […] Read More