2015: The Magonia Problem

by David Halperin One day not long after the year 800, Agobard, archbishop of Lyon, found himself in exactly the right place to stop a lynching. Lucky thing for three men and one woman, who were said to have fallen from ships that sailed through the sky. Vis-à-vis the aerial ships, Agobard was what we’d now call a “debunker.” If he were alive today, he’d probably be in CSICOP. Or maybe not: the foundation of his skepticism was that the popular beliefs he devoted himself to debunking were contrary to Holy Scripture. But let Agobard tell the story: But we have seen and heard of many people overcome with so much foolishness, made crazy by so much stupidity, that they believe and say that […] Read More

The Confusing World of UFOlogy

By Jay Barrymore Some have commented about the amount of bickering that occurs between those of the various religious factions, but nothing can compare to the amount of treachery, back-stabbing, and rumor-mongering that occurs among those who consider themselves UFO researchers. Part of the reason for this is that UFOlogy is becoming a New Age religion in its own right. It is developing its own mythology and dogma, with die-hard believers of various organizations committed to UFO research which can be likened to “sects” or denominations. No religion wouldn’t be complete without its own soothsayers, of which there are many types as well, from those who channel alien entities from other galaxies to UFO spokespeople who claim to have government informants with the impending […] Read More

Project: VISIT

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: Project VISIT Mission: The project exists to conduct research in order to determine whether or not there is a correlation of engineering systems among UFO cases, to identify and evaluate such systems and determine the mode of operation of UFOs, and to share research findings with government agencies, public corporations, and the general public. Date Started: Founded in 1976 with a membership of researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs. Ended: Present Who or Whom Started It: researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs Part of what Government Agency: ? Location: Texas Special Features/Characteristics:  They studied about 130 cases of UFO abductions with the goal of constructing a model of UFOs, their operation, and the entities […] Read More

1999: Mental Health & the UFO Contactee

*Frequently today, no UFOs and no messages are involved in “contactee” cases, but some manner of contact seems to be happening, thus the validity of the term beyond its original intent. by Harv Howard I have talked with a few contactees who wished they were not involved with UFOs. Despite the emotional, mental, and physical suffering they almost universally go through, most contactees feel they are involved in something good for themselves and the planet if not the Universe. Because of that general feeling, it is understandable then that “Love and light” are the bywords of the contactee movement. But there is a dark element that many of us run into early in the transformation, along the way, or even after we have settled […] Read More