Project Bluebook Unknowns – Contents

This information is presented for your perusal and is a continuation of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. The content of this information does NOT necessarily reflect the personal views of the poster, nor should the views, opinions, statements or claims represented in the following be accepted by anyone reading these texts at *face* value. If this interests you, please endeavor to research it yourself and investigate it to *your* satisfaction, and as such I will leave it in your hands to either prove it or de-bunk it 🙂 The following files (6) are from the work of Don Berliner, who compiled a listing of the Project Bluebook “Unknowns“. CONTENTS Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five […] Read More

1987: An Open Letter to the UFO Community

by Gary Kinder, author of Light Years March 6, 1987 I have received so many phone calls and letters (and copies of letters sent to others) about the forthcoming LIGHT YEARS, it seems appropriate for me to write a letter of explanation. Had I not been involved with the arrival of a new daughter two weeks ago, I would have written this letter much sooner. I know that many of you were confused to hear I was writing a book on Meier; I also know that most of you will understand when I offer a proper explanation. Here it is. Though no one in the UFO community has seen the manuscript for LIGHT YEARS, much of the vehemence over its publication seems to arise […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 11

CHAPTER 11, THE BIG FLAP: In early June 1952, Project Blue Book was operating according to the operational plan that had been set up in January 1952. It had taken six months to put the plan into effect, and to a person who has never been indoctrinated into the ways of the military, this may seem like a long time. But consult your nearest government worker and you’ll find that it was about par for the red tape course. We had learned early in the project that about 60 per cent of the reported UFO’s were actually balloons, airplanes, or astronomical bodies viewed under unusual conditions, so our operational plan was set up to quickly weed out this type of report. This would give […] Read More

1968: Project Pounce

Project Pounce is another UFO-related project. Some sources consider Project Pounce to be an earlier version of Project Blue Book, though most researchers believe that Blue Book was only preceded by Sign Project and Project Grudge. They are supported in this by the official documentation that is currently available (through FOIA etc.). Then again, as Blue Book was nothing more than an overt PR exercise, it is probable that a real, yet covert, project would also have existed to investigate the UFO phenomenon. According to M.W. Cooper, Project Pounce was more than that. He claims it also is the project formed to recover all downed or crashed craft and aliens. (Other sources describe a similar project, yet, call it Bluefly Project.) Established in 1968.  […] Read More