Article from the: St Louis Post-Dispatch July 3, 1947 _______________________________ ARMY GETS AROUND TO CHECKING `FLYING DISC‘ AND IS MYSTIFIED WASHINGTON, July 3 (UP)- Army research experts can’t explain the ” flying saucers” reported seen in several western states, but they are investigating, they said. The Army air forces has checked all of their research authorities and contractors, but none of them knew or could suggest anything concrete about the “saucers. At first, Army officers laughed off the reports. Now they are beginning to take them at least a little seriously. At any rate, the Air Research Center at Wright Field, O., is looking into the reports, and all service intelligence agencies are at work on them. Army experts suggested-as a bare possibility-that some civilian […] Read More

1968: Why Don’t Pilot’s See UFOs?

James McDonald, Statement on UFOs to U.S. House Committee on Science and Aeronautics, 1968 Symposium on UFOs This question may come in just that form from persons with essentially no knowledge of UFO history. From others who do know that there have been “a few” pilot-sightings, it comes in some altered form, such as, “Why don’t airline and military pilots see UFOs all the time if they are in our atmosphere?” By way of a partial answer, consider the following cases. (To facilitate internal reference, I shall number sequentially all cases hereafter treated in detail.) Case 1. Boise, Idaho, July 4, 1947: Only about a week after the now-famous Mt. Rainier sighting by private pilot Kenneth Arnold, a United Air Lines DC-3 crew sighted […] Read More