Even Some MUFON Researchers See “Spiritual Warfare” [from Michael Lindemann’s CNI News] [The following text is excerpted from an article in Florida Today, dated August 17, 1997, written by Rita Elkins. CNI News thanks Stig Agermose for sending us this item. The full text can be found on the web at http://www.flatoday.com:80/space/today/081797b.htm] CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Religious leaders are alarmed about a growing train of thought that “wants us to reject traditional Judeo-Christian ideas about God” in favor of benign “Space Brothers” who will save humanity from itself, writes journalist William M. Alnor in his book, “UFOs in the New Age” (Baker, Grand Rapids, Mich.). Alnor concludes this new belief is a set-up for apocalyptic deceptions predicted in the Bible’s Book of Revelation. He’s […] Read More

Traditions of Sanat Kumara, East and West

An Esoteric History of Our Solar System Eye of God, photographed by NASA Truth is stranger than fiction. – Mark Twain http://www.sanatkumara.info/traditions.htm According to esoteric tradition, life exists throughout this solar system. Though invisible to the untrained eye, millions of souls on other planets contribute to the overall spiritual ecosystem of our solar system and galaxy. Our choices on earth also greatly impact their destiny. What appears to be science fiction is actually spiritual non-fiction. The reason why our scientists cannot detect these life forms is because there are several dimensions within the physical plane that vibrate at different frequencies. Life on the Sun, Venus, and Mercury vibrates at a higher frequency that corresponds to the etheric plane. Life on Mars vibrates at the […] Read More