Does Vedic Culture Remain in the Hollow Earth?

In Shree Ramayana, we have several scenes that are suggestive of the existence of inner areas of the Earth’s crust as well as a hollow cavity. For example, after Shrimati Sitadevi had been kidnapped by Ravana, Shree Laksman swore to Rama that he would pursue the rascal even if Lakshman had to chase him to the “dark caverns of the Earth”. In chapter 8 of Kishkindya, Rama proves his ability to Sugriva by discharging an arrow which “pierced through seven palms, a rock, and the INNERMOST region of the Earth and in a minute again came back to the quiver”. to an ocean,??? and then on into the hollow cavity of the planet, translated by Makhanlal Sen as subterranean regions???, following the chariot of […] Read More

The Sons of Sagara in the Hollow Earth

From the Brahmanda Purana, translation by Tagore, with notes by Dean DeLucia-  Laura McDonald, research. Chapter Fifty-Two of the Brahmanda Purana Jaimini Said: 1. ” After banishing his son, the virtuous-souled Lord Sagara transferred his love for him to the child Amsumam whose conduct was righteous. 2. At the very same time, O king, the sons of Sumati grew up collectively. All of them were amiable, devoted and faithful to one another. 3. They had adamantine bodies. They were cruel, merciless and shameless. They were habitually evil in their activities. They had the same nature and characteristics. 4. They cooperated in doing simultaneously the same work. They were deluded in their minds. They were easily irritable. They could not be easily assailed by any […] Read More