UFO ROUNDUP: VOLUME 1 NUMBER 10: April 21, 1996

Editor: Joseph Trainor GREEN FIREBALL SIGHTED IN SOUTH CAROLINA Last night, Saturday, April 20, 1996, at around 10 p.m., a UFO described as a “green fireball” rocketed over the town of North Augusta, S.C. The object was moving at a high speed and travelling at a very high altitude. The eyewitness was a South Carolina teenaged boy. He added that, immediately after the flyover, about seven jet interceptors travelled over the town, heading in the same direction as the UFO. Note: North Augusta, a community of 34,000, is situated three miles north of the Savannah River, which forms the South Carolina state line. Eight miles southwest of the town, in Georgia, is Fort Gordon, a U.S. Army base. BRAZILIAN MOTORIST MAY HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED […] Read More

2014: Crystal Clear Video of Multiple UFOs Captured In Sao Paulo Brasil – August 2014

Below is a video of a recent UFO sighting that took place in Sa0 Paulo, Brasil in early August of this year. The footage is extremely clear and shows multiple objects that are clearly unidentifiable. Remember, “UFO” refers to an unidentified flying object, and they are constantly tracked on airport and military radar. To read more about that and to look at some more specific examples, please click HERE.  There are plenty of UFO videos floating around on YouTube, with little doubt that many of them are fake. On the other hand, the rate of  UFO incidents continues to climb so much that people are witnessing them for themselves. The UFO problem has been examined in detail for a very long time, especially in […] Read More

Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves

Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves By Richard Hall Over the past 50 years a seeming outbreak of UFO sightings has captured public and news media attention on average about every five to eight years. Sometimes the sightings have been sufficiently spectacular that the publicity has led someone to attempt a scientific study, but these studies usually bog down in confusion and controversy, and the interest fades away. News media interest comes and goes, the press tending to treat UFOs as a “silly season” topic. Ufologists continue to compile data suggesting that UFO sightings tend to come in waves, but no particular pattern has been found that would even begin to bowl scientists off their feet. For whatever reasons, the UFO phenomenon—or attention to it—ebbs […] Read More


Posted by anthonynorth on August 15th, 2007   Most people have heard of the crashed flying saucer at Roswell, New Mexico. But this was not the only supposed crash of an alien craft. One of the earliest recorded UFO crashes is said to have happened on 6 June 1884 when a blazing object crashed in Dundy County, Nebraska. Local farmhands rushed to the scene and found sand fused to a glass-like substance and a large pile of hot debris. One person who got too close suffered blisters similar to radiation exposure today. It took several days for the debris to cool down, whereupon the local paper reported it was extremely light metal but incredibly strong. It could have been aluminum, except it had not […] Read More

Underwater UFO’s

Bill Hamilton Go back to some old books like those written by Ivan Sanderson. Many reports of UFOs emerging and submerging into the ocean. We also had sightings a few years ago off the Palos Verdes peninsula where UFOs were seen traveling under water. Here is an excerpt from Chapter 10 in my book “Alien Magic” “What secrets lurk in ocean depths? Are there alien forms of intelligent life that occupy the vast volumes of water that constitute our oceans, seas, and lakes? The largest of our oceans, the Pacific, covers 64,000,000 square miles and reaches a depth of 36,198 feet, a depth that no ray of sunlight ever reaches. Could these depths hide alien submarine bases? Underwater UFOs have been sighted on many […] Read More

Eye and Skin Irritation in UFO Reports

Table of Contents Introduction The Pattern UFO Cases of Eye Irritation / Skin Irritation / Similar Effects Cases Without Effects Observations On The Cases Conclusion Appendices Medical Analysis Of Eye Symptoms Chemical Sources of Eye and Skin Irritation Electromagnetic Spectrum Radiation Causes of Eye And Skin Irritation Introduction A number of UFO cases contain reference to apparently related physical symptoms regarding the eyes and skin. This article attempts to relate known information about similar physical reactions from the medical literature to the UFO effects. While specific cases are referenced in this document, the collection of the relevant information about possible physical effect sources in one place is also an important objective of this paper. The following is a sample of the cases which motivate […] Read More

Top Physical Trace Cases – A Preliminary List

Ted Phillips, Center for Physical Trace Research Summary: The following is a preliminary list of High Strangeness cases involving physical traces associated with UFO sightings. It is not complete and will be added to as additional reports are received. These cases represent some of the high strangeness trace/landing events from a database of over 4,000 such events. Report 4/15/1930 Largentiere, France: multiple witnesses, cone-shaped, lands very close, projects beams, traces. Report 8/??/1933 Nipawin, Sask., 0700: multiple witnesses, a disc with 6 legs, occupants, 30 minutes, traces. Report 2/5/1934 Malselv, Norway: multiple witnesses, humanoids, footprints, traces. Report 12/25/45 Newland, MO: multiple witnesses, 2 minutes, house damage, traces. Report 7/11/46 Njurunda, Sweden: multiple witness, sphere, human effects, 7 ft crater liquid traces. Report 4/24/50 Varese, Italy: […] Read More

Project Monarch

One of the most sinister and obscure secret programs, the monarch project basically was a continuation of Dr. Mengele’s experiments and studied the effects of abuse on the personality over several generations… One author refers to Project Monarch as a form of psychological genetic engineering. Using knowledge acquired from various occult societies, the purpose of the project is to establish absolute mind control over people by exposing them to constant severe abuse (psychological and physical, including sexual, torture) from birth onwards. To this end, satanic sects and other occult societies are infiltrated and used. The program would have lasted up until the late sixties.