1996: UFOs, SUB ROSA*, DOWN UNDER PART 5

UFOs SUB ROSA* DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY By Bill Chalker copyright ©1996 Part Five THE RAAF UAS*/UFO DATA * The RAAF prefers the more neutral term “UAS” or “Unusual Aerial Sighting”. THE BOIANAI VISITANTS OF 1959 THE CRESSY AFFAIR THE CLASSIC WILLOW GROVE ENCOUNTER THE “FIRST” OFFICIAL “UNKNOWN” – THE ELECTROMAGNETIC LIGHT WHEEL NEAR GROOTE EYLANDT “THE THING ON THE BEACH” THE 1966 TULLY SAUCER “NEST” THE CANTERBURY CLOSE ENCOUNTER THE BURRENJUCK UFO THE NEBO ENCOUNTER FREDERICK VALENTICH AND DELTA SIERRA JULIET – VANISHED? THE BOIANAI VISITANTS OF 1959 In 1959 Papua New Guinea was still a territory of Australia. June of that year saw the spectacular “entity” sightings of Reverend Gill and members of his Boainai mission. Reverend Gill made notes […] Read More