1999: HUFON Abductions Investigation Update

by Vince Johnson Master hypnotherapist Derrell Sims has been taking a different approach to the abduction phenomenon. Sims uses forensic hypnotic regression as well as a barrage of other techniques to break through induced amnesia and screen memories that mask the abduction experiences of his clients, who usually come to him only knowing that they experienced something weird, like missing time, or paint mysteriously bubbling off their car at night. “When someone comes to me and says ‘I’ve been abducted by aliens,’ it’s almost always fantasy or delusion,” says Sims. He takes a different approach, however, by utilizing “active measures” to deal with abductees’ interactions with their abductors. As chairman of HUFON’s Abductions Investigation Committee, Sims, along with his research assistants Patrice Eldridge and […] Read More

1998: Abduction terminals in the military?

My story started at age five in 1951 when I saw a spaceship when we were living in West Virginia. I told my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I don’t have to tell you what their reactions were. When I came home from Vietnam in Oct., 1967, I was twenty one years old and in the army. I was stationed at Fort Ord, California in what was called C.D.E.C. OR COMBAT  DEVELOPMENTS EXPERIMENTAL COMMAND. We would be bussed eighty miles out into the Mojave Desert to “HUNTER LIGGETT MILITARY RESERVATION CA.” which was where we did our so called experiments. One night while on guard duty around October 24, 1967, I was with three other soldiers who I thought were my friends. I noticed […] Read More


By Budd Hopkins This is the way the New York Times should have headlined their July 6 science section piece on the poorly understood phenomenon of sleep paralysis. Unfortunately, however, the headline read “Alien Abduction? Science Calls It Sleep Paralysis” [my emphasis], suggesting to the world that the UFO abduction phenomenon has at last been successfully explained away. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Junk Science is the proper designation for the many outlandish, irrelevant and unsupported hypotheses debunkers have employed over the years to dismiss UFO abductions (some of which I will discuss in future articles). Non-junk Science – the real thing, based upon the scientific method – begins by amassing and studying all the accurate, relevant data before any serious hypothesizing […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 8a

This is an assorted collection of excerpts relating to specific questions about different aliens and abduction processes asked by various guests at the sessions at various times. For the most part, they are self-explanatory. Q: (L) Who are the beings that have been abducting Karla Turner and her family? A: Lizards. Q: (L) Why have they been abducting that group of people? A: Same reasons they have been abducting you and Fred. Q: (L) They have been abducting Karla Turner and her family because they perceive them as a threat and wish to drive them to self-destruction? A: Yes. Q: (L) In one abduction she described in this book, what was the black shadowy thing that seemed like a moving “nothing” on the ground? […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction

This is a rather long series of linked pages that will, step-by-step, develop the ideas necessary as a background to understand the Cassiopaean comments on abductions and other trans-density phenomena. It is advisable to read all of it, no matter how difficult unless, of course, the preparatory material is already familiar to the reader. For those who wish to know in advance what is in store, I have created the following brief descriptions of the topics covered on each page. Part I: Cassiopaean comments on the differences between “dimension” and “density.” Excerpts from other works that demonstrate the universality of the phenomenon of “other densities” and other modes of perception, including the use of hallucinogens or other shamanic practices, and a comparison to “partial […] Read More

1998: Hybridization Program

Both Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs warn about a hybridization program. The abduction phenomenon reveals that the alien agenda involves the creation of, probably genetically engineered, alien (i.e. Grey) – human hybrids. Some of these hybrids can walk among us undetected. According to Budd Hopkins, these hybrids “are reportedly driving cars, shopping, and conducting strange ‘job interviews’ while maintaining their alien abilities of mind control and telepathy. The interlocking data point to alien infiltration into our world for goals unknown.” David Jacobs adds: … “rather than adding just alien DNA to the fertilized ova, the DNA from a hybrid is put in that zygote. What results is a skewed bell-shaped curve where more of the offspring look human-like, less look in the middle, and […] Read More

1997: The Love Bite: Alien Orchestrated Human Bonding Dramas

By  Eve Frances Lorgen, MA Abstract: Alien abductions extend beyond the physical medical exams and presupposed “alien/human” genetic hybridization breeding programs as premised in current UFO abduction literature. Alien orchestrated human bonding dramas in numerous abduction cases suggest an alternative factor in understanding the motives of the extraterrestrials’ interaction with humanity. These bonding dramas consist of alien instigated, “staged” relationship manipulations, emotional and sexual bonding arrangements between two targeted abductee partners, often resulting in dramatic love obsessions in one or both partners. Several case studies will be presented demonstrating the characteristic signs, symptoms and patterns of alien directed relationship bondings and manipulations. An alternative explanation and motivating factor for these alien orchestrated dramas will be presented. Introduction Alien abduction research has struggled to maintain […] Read More

UFOs – A Challenge to Mainstream Science

Patricia B. Corbett For the last half of the 20th century, the UFO phenomenon has perplexed both the public and the scientific community. At the beginning of the 21st century, the overwhelming majority of the American public–about 70%–believes that UFOs are real and that they most likely are guided by intelligent beings from other worlds or dimensions. The scientific advances and discoveries that have resulted from our own human space program have helped shape the views of the American public on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The scientific community, however, remains uninterested in and scornfully dismissive of the question of the reality of UFOs and the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. Yet, even as scientists and astronomers discover new planets and solar systems; […] Read More

1987: Ethical Implications of the UFO Abductions Phenomenon

by Budd Hopkins It is in the nature of human psychology that an event as dramatic as contact with extraterrestrial intelligence can not be thought about _neutrally_, without deep-seated hopes and preconceptions. Most of us, I’m certain, prefer to believe that extraterrestrials would arrive on our planet as friendly, helpful beings, eager to share their technology and to aid us in solving our social and ecological problems. Upon this basic and very human wish certain people have erected a powerful set of interpretations of modern-day UFO reports. These hopes, hardened into a kind of theology, can be described as a modern religion, willed into existence after the decline of our more traditional deities. After all, we have been told more than once that God […] Read More

1988: The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia

by Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic and Pony Godic of UFO Research Australia P.O. Box 229 Prospect, South Australia 5082 ============================================================== In July/August 1988 issue of IUR Budd Hopkins, referring to the testable fantasy-prone hypotheses advanced by Keith Basterfield and Bob Bartholomew, wrote that his advice was “to put their theory on the back burner and to look into any possible abductions that come their way.” Unfortunately, within Australia, this is easier said than done. There has been an apparent lack of well-documented abduction cases in this country. The authors, therefore, decided to review the situation on two fronts. First, they undertook an intensive examination of the Australian UFO literature. Second, they undertook to uncover any previously unreported cases. This article documents our findings to […] Read More

1996: The Controllers – Table of Contents

by Martin Cannon Table of Contents I. Introduction The Problem The Hypothesis II. The Technology A Brief Overview Implants Subsequent Electrode Implant Research Abductee Implants A Question of Timing The Quandary Remote Hypnosis That’s Entrainment Wave Your Brain Goodbye Final Thoughts on “The Wave” III. Applications Palle Hardrup’s “Guardian Angel” Screen Memory The Super Spy Bases of Suspicion The Scandinavian Connection Helicopters and Discs The Military and Mind Control The Ultimate Motive For Mind Control IV. Abductions The Hill Case and the “Advanced” Aliens Arms and the Abductee “They Will Think It’s Flying Saucers” Glimpses of the Controllers Cults Grounds For Further Research Final Thoughts SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON MIND CONTROL REFERENCES

1998: Abductions

A lot of people have been abducted by aliens. Scientific research by experts like the late Harvard Prof. John Mack, the MIT’s Prof. David Pritchard, Prof. David Jacobs, Leo Sprinkle, or Budd Hopkins revealed that at least 4 million people within the USA have been abducted, and that’s the most conservative estimate. As only 20 to 25 % of the people that have been abducted, have a conscious recollection of the event, the actual amounts of abductees may be even a lot higher. The research also confirmed that something very real is happening to them. Some, if not a majority, of these abductees report physical abuse, or being forced to take part in breeding programs, physical experiments, etc. In most cases the abductors are […] Read More

1990: Cultural Background of UFO Abduction Reports

copyright (c) 1990 by Martin S. Kottmeyer [Reprinted from “Magonia” Magazine, Jan. 1990, by permission of the author] Culture is an admixture of repetition and variation, convention and creativity, signals and noise. It is ever new and forever old as humanity relives old dreams and nightmares or forgets and forges new ones. Part of the delight of history is the recognition that however new a given event appears, traces of the past can generally be discerned. If the UFO phenomenon is an artifact of culture one would reasonably expect that cultural antecedent could be recognized for the major features it presents. Extraterrestrials, however, should be independent of culture and if they are newly arrived their characteristics should represent a discontinuity with the past. Abduction […] Read More