Editor: Joseph Trainor TRIANGULAR UFO SIGHTED NEAR CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA Sunday night, May 12, at 10:30 p.m. Eastern time, a 19-year-old male driver heading east on Route 76, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, spotted a UFO just north of the highway. He said, “I looked up and saw a huge black triangle. It was not moving. It had a bright light at each tip.” At the time of the sighting, the witness was heading home after a visit to his girl friend’s house in Pittsburgh. There were no other cars on the road. The UFO was seen hovering above the Conodoguinet River, about two miles west of Carlisle, near the Army base. At the time he spotted the UFO, the witness was listening to a cassette. He […] Read More


HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETIETH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION JULY 29, 1968 [No. 7] Printed for the use of the Committee on Science and Astronautics U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1968   COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS GEORGE P. MILLER, California, Chairman     OLIN E. TEAGUE, Texas                                                   JAMES G. FULTON, Pennsylvania JOSEPH E. KARTH, Minnesota                                                       CHARLES A. MOSHER, Ohio KEN HECHLER, West Virginia                                                       RICHARD L. ROUDERBUSH, Indiana EMILIO Q. DADDARIO, Connecticut                                           ALPHONZO BELL, California J. EDWARD ROUSH, Indiana                                                          THOMAS M. PELLY, Washington JOHN W. DAVIS, Georgia                                                                DONALD RUMSFELD, Illinois WILLIAM F. RYAN, New York                                                        EDWARD J. GURNEY, Florida THOMAS N. DOWNING, Virginia                                  JOHN W. WYDLER, New York JOE D. WAGGONNER, JR., Louisiana                                           GUY VANDER JAGT, Michigan DON FUQUA, Florida                                                                        […] Read More

1997: L.A Meteor was UFO

LEIR, SIMS, 3rd WITNESS SAY L.A. “METEOR” WAS UFO Alleged Military Source Says Craft Landed, Took Off Again Update of 1/26/97 [In the last edition of CNI News, we reported on a spectacular aerial event that occurred the night of October 3, 1996 and was viewed across the western United States from the Mexican border to northern California. Experts at UCLA and Sandia National Laboratory labeled the phenomenon an extraordinary meteor that may have entered the earth’s atmosphere, bounced back into space, orbited the planet and re-entered again before falling to earth somewhere in California — a sequence of events calculated to explain the wide variety of sighting reports that flooded police, radio and television news lines that night. But that explanation does not […] Read More

1991: The Tau Ceti Connection

By Forest Crawford Reprinted from UFO Journal of Facts UFO Archives, Tucson, AZ The eggs had their typical lack of firmness and the sausage tasted more like greasy rope than pork links. The orders to mobilize saved me from this breakfast experiment. We proceeded down six flights of stairs below the COMPTRAPAC submarine base in San Diego to “shoot-the-tubes.” After placing my few pieces of jewelry in a container I climbed into the cylinder to travel the tunnels to an unknown assignment. I wondered what was so important to upgrade our pay from E-3 to E-6 before we left and besides that, we could not even finish breakfast. As I am told of our departure, a familiar, uneasy feeling comes over me. When you […] Read More

1996: Protection From Abduction

Article by Joshua ( May 8th, 1995, plus update 3/96 ) If one accepts the possibility that the Abduction Experience is happening to many people all over the world, then the next logical question is: “Can a Person do something to stop this process?” and also, “Is an Abduction always a very painful experience which scars the person?“. While I am not a psychologist in any sense of the word, I do feel that somehow people can stop the aliens from taking them if they do not want to go. I can not say definitively that the system of protection I will propose on this page will work but I feel that I have had subtle contact with some of the Greys, especially when […] Read More

1998: Abduction terminals in the military?

My story started at age five in 1951 when I saw a spaceship when we were living in West Virginia. I told my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I don’t have to tell you what their reactions were. When I came home from Vietnam in Oct., 1967, I was twenty one years old and in the army. I was stationed at Fort Ord, California in what was called C.D.E.C. OR COMBAT  DEVELOPMENTS EXPERIMENTAL COMMAND. We would be bussed eighty miles out into the Mojave Desert to “HUNTER LIGGETT MILITARY RESERVATION CA.” which was where we did our so called experiments. One night while on guard duty around October 24, 1967, I was with three other soldiers who I thought were my friends. I noticed […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 11

CHAPTER 11, THE BIG FLAP: In early June 1952, Project Blue Book was operating according to the operational plan that had been set up in January 1952. It had taken six months to put the plan into effect, and to a person who has never been indoctrinated into the ways of the military, this may seem like a long time. But consult your nearest government worker and you’ll find that it was about par for the red tape course. We had learned early in the project that about 60 per cent of the reported UFO’s were actually balloons, airplanes, or astronomical bodies viewed under unusual conditions, so our operational plan was set up to quickly weed out this type of report. This would give […] Read More

UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco

Joint Fleets Fend Off UFO Threat by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast, Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied.  Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.” The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore.  The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level. Rumors: Extraterrestrial craft are operating […] Read More

2004: Are UFOs In Actuality the Military’s Ultimate Sky Spies?

By Steve Douglass (C) 2004 This article originally appeared in Popular Communications Magazine in August 2004. (C) 2004 Steve Douglass. Reproduction here with friendly permission by the author. If the winds were kind and the technical problems were ironed-out, by the time you read this you may have already heard about the strange “flying V-shaped” UFO that has been seen by citizens over far west Texas and southeastern New Mexico. Although the event hasn’t happened as of this writing, it is likely this huge flying object will be seen at sunset and is flying so high it probably glows brightly for maybe more than an hour after dusk and will undoubtedly prompt uninformed citizens to call local authorities and report an unidentified flying object […] Read More

1864 – 2000: Reported Crashes and Recoveries based of Witnesses and Newspaper Articles.

1864 September Cadotte Pass, Missouri Original newspaper article of 1864. 1884 June 6 Holdredge, Nebraska Inconclusive but quite interesting. 1884 December 13 Sorisole, near Bergamo, Italy 1897 April 17 Aurora, Texas      Hoax? 1897 April 19 Leroy, Kansas, USA       Hoax? 1907 Burlington, Vermont, USA 1908 June 30 Tunguska River, USSR 1910/1915 Puglia Italy 1923 Quetta, Pakistan 1925 Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA 1925 Sept/Oct Polson, Montana 1930 Mandurah, West Australia 1933 Italy 1936 Black Forest, Germany 1938 summer Czernica, Poland 1941 West of San Diego, Ca 1941 Spring Cape Girardeau, Missouri 1941 July 4 Tinian Island, Oceania 1945 Somewhere in the  UK 1945 Mataquescuintla, Guatemala 1946 Magdalena, NM 1946 July 9 Lake Barken, Sweden 1946 July 10 Bjorkon, Sweden 1946 July 18 Lake Mjosa Sweden 1946 […] Read More

1561 – 1997 List of UFO crashes

1923 Quetta, Pakistan 1925 Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA 1925 Sept/Oct Polson, Montana 1930 Mandurah, West Australia 1933 Italy 1933 or 1934 – Ubatuba, Brazil Witnesses on a beach are said to have seen a disc dive and explode, showering the area with silvery fragments of highly pure magnesium. 1936 Black Forest, Germany 1938 CZERNICA, near Jelenia Gora. Seized by Nazi Germany, after Polish Invasion One Year Later. Updated 12-10-02 1941 West of San Diego, Ca 1941 Spring Cape Girardeau, Missouri 1941 July 4 Tinian Island, Oceania 1945 Somewhere in the UK 1945 Mataquescuintla, Guatemala 1946 Magdalena, NM 1946 July 9 Lake Barken, Sweden 1946 July 10 Bjorkon, Sweden 1946 July 18 Lake Mjosa Sweden 1946 July 19 Noon Lake Kolmjarv, Sweden 1946 August 12 […] Read More

The Project Bluebook Unknowns, Complete

July 3, 1947; Harborside, Maine. 2:30 p.m.  EDT. Witness: astronomer John Cole of South Brooksville, Me. Watched 10-15 seconds while ten very light objects, with two dark forms to their left, moved like a swarm of bees to the northwest.  A loud roar was heard. July 4, 1947; over Emmet, Idaho. 8:17 p.m.  PDT. Witnesses: United Air Lines Capt. E.J. Smith, First Officer Ralph Stevens, Stewardess Marty Morrow. Watched for 12-15 minutes while four objects with flat bottoms and rough tops moved at varying speeds, with one high and to the right of the others. July 6, 1947; Fairfield-Suisan Air Base, California. Daytime. Witnesses:  Army Air Forces Capt. and Mrs. James Burniston. Watched for 1 minute while one object having no wings or tail rolled from side-to-side three times and then flew away very fast to […] Read More

Domed Saucer Shaped UFO’s

Domed Craft Of all know craft, the domed disc is perhaps the most instantly recognizable, and has been portrayed countless times in the media, but in reality the shiny silver disc so often represented, is but one of its many variants. The domed disc shaped craft has a relatively low profile cupola, or dome on the top. And they are generally flat or convex on the bottom. Size can range from 10-15 feet in diameter, to several hundred or more, and they are generally one the most common type of UFOs reported. Color ranges from a brightly polished metallic silver colour to a dull aluminum in appearance. Flat bottomed craft are often darker underneath in a center circular area. The craft that have been witnessed […] Read More

2006: Aquamarine Dreams: Ralph Ring and Otis T Carr

A video interview with Ralph Ring Las Vegas, August 2006 Also present: Gary Voss from The Ranch: a consortium researching exotic energy and antigravity systems. Ralph Ring: He says, “You’re gonna get onboard and you’re gonna go some place and you’re gonna come back. And that’s all.” And he said, “But I’m gonna tell you ahead of time, your brain will no longer… Gary Voss: …be the same? Ralph: [laughs] “You will lose it. Because it won’t understand and it won’t comprehend what’s happening. So use your mind, use your feeling, come from your heart. Meditate. Go into a focus point and go to your higher thoughts and feelings, you know, rather than worrying about what was gonna happen.” Ralph: …these shutters are opening […] Read More