The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction: An Analysis

At this point, I suspect that the reader has been pretty overwhelmed with all this depressing information! But, that is neither the purpose nor the point. The purpose and point is to bring sufficient knowledge of man’s true estate so that solutions can be found for dealing with the same. As the Cassiopaeans once remarked to me when I protested that I did not LIKE to hear “ugly” things: A: We suppose if we told you “Laura, a great big rock is about to fall on your head,” then you would say: “okay, now moving right along, about the Emerald tablets…” Q: (Laura) Okay. You have my undivided attention. A: Great potential dangers lurk… Q: (Laura) So this really is like the grail hunt. […] Read More

An Analysis 2

A: 309000 years ago, approx. Reflection passed down through a psychic memory channel. Jeremy Narby writes in “The Cosmic Serpent:” “As I browsed over the writings of authorities on mythology, I discovered with surprise that the theme of twin creator beings of celestial origin was extremely common in South America, and indeed throughout the world. […] I wondered what all these twin beings in the creation myths of indigenous people could possibly mean. […] Ruminating over this mental block I recalled Carlos Perez Shuma’s words: ‘Look at the FORM.’ “That morning, at the library, I had looked up DNA in several encyclopedias and had noted in passing that the shape of the double helix was most often described as a ladder, or twisted rope […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 9b

A: Well, that is difficult to answer because that is assuming that thought centers are located. And, of course, this is a concept area in which you are not fully familiar as of yet. So, an attempt to answer this in any way that would make sense to you would probably not be fruitful. We suggest slowing down and carefully formulating questions. Q: (L) At what level of density do these thought centers have their primary focus? A: Thought centers do not have a primary focus in any level of density. This is precisely the point. You are not completely familiar with the reality of what thoughts are. We have spoken to you on many levels and have detailed many areas involving density level, […] Read More