1995: The Goals of Project Blue Beam

From: The International Free Press in Canada. Circa 1995 Project Blue Beam. This is from the International Free Press in Canada. Note: Serge Monast and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attacks” within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam. The International Free Press Network is not a religious group, neither is it a political organization, but […] Read More

1996: Author sticks by ET theories – Interview with Erich von Daniken

Billy Cox, Floriday Today Summary: At age 62, the godfather of the Ancient Astronauts Society may seem like a flawed relic from the 1960s. But Erich Von Daniken never went away. Von Daniken has never wavered from his premise that ancient scribes contributing to holy texts (in Eastern and Western traditions) were describing contact with technologically sophisticated extraterrestrial visitors. MELBOURNE, Fla. – At age 62, the godfather of the Ancient Astronauts Society may seem like a flawed relic from the 1960s. But Erich Von Daniken never went away; two weeks ago, production crews finished filming yet another documentary on the Swiss author’s controversial research, which will air in the States on the A&E Channel late this year or early 1997. On a rain-soaked weekday […] Read More


by W. B. HowardINTRODUCTION. The UFO phenomenon could well be the most important and most amazing, the most significant happening of all time, apart from, of course, the birth, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the many glorious records of God‘s dealing with the human race as recorded in the Bible. Are these ETs and UFOs real? Real or not, and we believe certainly they are supernaturally real, they are having fantastic influence over a Godless world in rebellion against the Creator! Pastor David Allen Lewis has written in his book, “UFO ENDTIME DELUSION” “What is reality anyway? It is only what our five senses see, so even if you think the UFOs are the result of hysteria or they are […] Read More

2000: Y3K? Space aliens and androids

A national poll finds that Americans believe in a fantastic future filled with technological, medical and space-age advances. By Thomas Hargrove and Joseph Bernt / Scripps Howard News Service Most Americans believe that the next 1,000 years will be filled with discoveries and glittering technology that would dumbfound Jules Verne. We expect the future to be filled with friendly space aliens, unborn children nurtured inside mechanical wombs and medical cures for ancient scourges such as cancer and even the common cold. Despite the promise of human advancements, we overwhelmingly believe that God will still be worshiped, that Christianity will remain the dominant religion and that professional athletics will still be cheered come the year 3000, according to a nationwide survey of 1,015 adults conducted […] Read More

2006: Interview with a Recovered MILAB from Reptilian/Drac Control

©Eve Lorgen 2006 This is an interview with a male abductee I will call Zed, regarding his unwilling involvement with the Reptilians as an abductee mind-controlled slave and MILAB Super-warrior via a joint alien/secret government program. Zed corresponded with me after reading some articles on the MAAR (Malevolent Alien Abduction Research) web site about trauma-based mind control and alien manipulation. Zed became aware of the Reptilian/Draconian overlord hierarchy of his mind control program after working diligently for over a decade to free himself from abductions, MILABS and reptilian/Drac mind control. The healing and recovery process involved prayer and exorcism, advanced meditation skills and persistent diligence in becoming free. Zed’s experiences involve classic abductions by Grey aliens, Reptilians, and MILABS in mind-controlled ops as a […] Read More


(no.51) by George Adamski – 1937 The subject of bringing heaven upon earth may strike the Ear of the listener like the dull sound of a cracked chime for it has, during many centuries, been preached and prophesied by every spiritual leader who has either a pulpit or a soap box from which to speak. Yet there is much to be said regarding the kingdom of heaven and a great deal more to be acted upon. Notwithstanding the fact that all these spiritual leaders orate to great length upon the grandeur of heaven, there is not one of them who believe in it to such an extent that he invariably calls for the best medical attention to pro- long his existence upon the earth. […] Read More