2001: The Birth of The CIA – And Flying Saucers

By Frank Warren frank-warren@pacbell.net 6-13-1 There’s been a lot of speculation on the irony of the “birth of the CIA” in September, of 1947, ( formerly, The Central Intelligence Group) coinciding with all the “flying saucer activity” beginning in June of that year, starting with Kenneth Arnold’s sighting over Mt Rainier to the “crashed discs” in the area of Roswell New Mexico. Some have claimed, that the sole purpose in creating the CIA was to investigate the “flying saucer” phenomenon. That, of course is not the case. [CIG and then CIA were born primarily out of the realization of the importance of a “post war” intelligence gathering agency, similar to it’s “war time” predecessor, the OSS, and President Truman’s frustration with being out of […] Read More

1997: Cosmic Top Secret

By: Richard Gall A word from Jeroen Wierda: This is yet another great article by Richard Gall. It’s about Col. Robert Dean ret. who had the highest security clearance that NATO possessed “Cosmic Top Secret”.This article is written by Richard Gall, and all rights remain with him. Cosmic Top Secret by Richard Gall [Former US Army Colonel Robert Dean breaks his oath of secrecy to reveal details of the ‘assessment’, a highly classified NATO document concerning UFOs. For 27 years, Robert Dean served his country as a patriot and a soldier in the US Army. He led combat troops in Korea in 1951 and was in charge of intelligence operations patrols in South Vietnam in 1970. His long history in covert operations and intelligence […] Read More

1998: Hints of Secret Message Visible in Roswell Photos

Ramey Message might shed light on real Roswell Crash The investigation into the content of four photos taken on July 8, 1947 in the office of General Roger Ramey continues. On September 23, 1998, Ron Regehr and James Bond Johnson announced that their Roswell Photo Interpretation Team (RPIT), based in Orange County, California, had succeeded in partly deciphering a letter held in General Ramey’s hand. Ramey appears in two of the four extant photos taken by James Bond Johnson. Investigation of the photos has mostly centered on contents of the wreckage seen in all four photos. Long assumed to be fragments of a weather balloon and Rawin radar target, some of the visible wreckage is now said by Regehr, Johnson and their associates to […] Read More

1992: Abduction Experience Classification

TOP SECRET TOP SECRET  To: Majestic-12, Washington, DC From Col. [Blacked Out], USAF Flight Commander S4, Area 51  Codename: DREAMLAND TS “Majic Q” Clearance-Star-Raker Abduction Experience Classification By: Dr. Richard D. Butler The following is a brief description of the most commonly reported abduction experience types. It is intended to provide a standard of classification in abduction research. [AE-1] LUCID DREAM This is a lucid dream experience generated internally by the subject’s subconscious. There is no Human/ET (Extra-Terrestrial) interaction at any level. They are usually grandiose in nature and lack a logical progression. [AE-2] TECHNO/TELEPATHIC LUCID DREAM These are lucid dream experiences internally generated by external forces. It is ET in origin and accomplished by the technologically enhanced psychic intrusion of the subject’s subconscious. The […] Read More

2006: On the March (REVISED) Part One through Six

Written by James Bartley © 2006 Part 1 of a series. This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its […] Read More

2011: The CHANI Project

  ( Channeled Holographic Access Network Interface ) The Story Behind The “me tel u now before 15 may” thread This is a copy of the article appearing in the June-July 2011 NEXUS Magazine. It is written by Acolyte The CHANI Project A New Assignment It was the last week in June 2006. It was a slow month, and most of my assignments were submitted for final analysis, completion and then filing. There were a few new ones, but they were the usual two-to-three-day-at-a-time monitoring types and surveillance over the next few weeks. Nothing to get excited about. I had some leave due soon and was contemplating how I would spend some quiet time. I stared out the window; not that I had much […] Read More