Eye and Skin Irritation in UFO Reports

Table of Contents Introduction The Pattern UFO Cases of Eye Irritation / Skin Irritation / Similar Effects Cases Without Effects Observations On The Cases Conclusion Appendices Medical Analysis Of Eye Symptoms Chemical Sources of Eye and Skin Irritation Electromagnetic Spectrum Radiation Causes of Eye And Skin Irritation Introduction A number of UFO cases contain reference to apparently related physical symptoms regarding the eyes and skin. This article attempts to relate known information about similar physical reactions from the medical literature to the UFO effects. While specific cases are referenced in this document, the collection of the relevant information about possible physical effect sources in one place is also an important objective of this paper. The following is a sample of the cases which motivate […] Read More

2011: Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities a

Andrew Collins (AC): I mean I’m a writer. I’m a researcher and, you know, I can find the information where I need it and when I need it; and in recent times I have been seriously going into quantum science, quantum theory, particularly the work of the theoretical physicist David Bohm, who was onto the whole idea of multidimensional experiences, in connection with the medium that we call plasma. I’m not suggesting the fourth dimension is a separate place, like the earth, or our physical dimension is a place that exists and you can travel from A to B. I think what is referred to as the fourth dimension is something that is created as and when necessary. In other words, the dimension beyond […] Read More

Top Physical Trace Cases – A Preliminary List

Ted Phillips, Center for Physical Trace Research Summary: The following is a preliminary list of High Strangeness cases involving physical traces associated with UFO sightings. It is not complete and will be added to as additional reports are received. These cases represent some of the high strangeness trace/landing events from a database of over 4,000 such events. Report 4/15/1930 Largentiere, France: multiple witnesses, cone-shaped, lands very close, projects beams, traces. Report 8/??/1933 Nipawin, Sask., 0700: multiple witnesses, a disc with 6 legs, occupants, 30 minutes, traces. Report 2/5/1934 Malselv, Norway: multiple witnesses, humanoids, footprints, traces. Report 12/25/45 Newland, MO: multiple witnesses, 2 minutes, house damage, traces. Report 7/11/46 Njurunda, Sweden: multiple witness, sphere, human effects, 7 ft crater liquid traces. Report 4/24/50 Varese, Italy: […] Read More