2015: Is this REALLY a cloud? Mysterious UFO pictures from ‘real X-files’ fan conspiracy flames

Is the picture above really a cloud? Honestly, that’s what the U.S. government wants you to believe. A new website is offering searchable access to the files of Project Blue Book – American UFO-hunters whose work has been described as ‘the real X-files’ and who dealt with thousands of pictures of extraterrestrial invaders throughout the 40s, 50s, and 60s. The blotchy images and files have been stored on microfilm – but include some truly weird images and accounts of events, such as the 1947 visitation which led to the term ‘flying saucer’ entering the language. There are also hundreds of unsolved mysteries – and others which are dismissed with not-exactly-convincing explanations, such as the idea that the 1951 New Zealand image above is a ‘lenticular […] Read More

2007: Saucer Full of Secrets

Inside The Mysterious Valley By Christopher O’Brien In The Mysterious Valley, Colorado investigator Christopher O’Brien introduced tens of thousands to one of America’s most anomalous regions and began revealing the documented history of high-strange events in the San Luis Valley, Colorado-New Mexico. Along with the celebrated history of this magical Rocky Mountain region, his time-line account of his personal investigation into unidentified flying objects (UFOs), animal mutilations (UADs), abductions, and a wide variety of paranormal phenomena proved something very strange is said to occur at America’s rooftop. Saucer Full of Secrets: Inside The Mysterious Valley picks up where The Mysterious Valley left off. The area’s unexplained UFO activity reaches a fever pitch, and we continue to follow O’Brien as he investigates even more incredible […] Read More


What is UFOLOGY? Most would describe it as the study of UFOs. I do. Recently, however, it has become so ever-increasingly clear that many see it as a hobby or a pastime. Some, even as a game. As I reflect on some recent events, I am left wondering just how we have made it this far. Additionally, with some recent hard-hitting blows, I am also wondering how long it will take to return to at least the place we were only 3 short months ago. While UFOLOGY itself is growing exponentially, the seriousness and effectiveness are being knocked down fast. I think faster than the growth, and that does bother me. One other thing that is rapidly gaining on UFOLOGY is the size of […] Read More

UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 6: March 25, 1996

Editor: Joseph Trainor The UFO flap in Canada is really heating up. Here’s the latest on the UFO sightings north of the border… UFO SEEN NEAR CANADIAN FORCES BASE Tuesday evening, March 19, 1996, a dazzling “star-shaped” or “diamond-shaped” UFO crossed the Ottawa River into Quebec and startled nine workmen at a brickmaking plant. The sighting took place in Waltham Station, Quebec, a small town on Highway 148 just across the river from Pembroke, Ontario. According to the Pembroke Observer, the UFO was spotted by Hector Brochu and eight other workmen at the Waltham Dry Kilns Co. just west of town. Mr. Brochu described the UFO as “a smooth star-shaped object about 45 centimeters in diameter.” Other workmen described the object as “diamond-shaped” with […] Read More