originally by Nick Humphries, February 1994.  Last updated by THINK ABOUT IT, JANUARY 2000. Adamski, George AFOSI Anomaly (AN Rating) APRO Area-51 Arnold, Kenneth Bennewitz, Paul Black Projects BUFORA Cash/Landrum Case Cattle Mutilations Close Encounter (CE Rating) Collins, Robert Condon Report Condor Cooper, Milton William CUFOS Dark Side Hypothesis Daylight Disk Disinformation Doty, Richard Dreamland EBD ET ET Exposure Law Falcon Fire in the Sky Fly-By (FB Rating) Flying Saucer Flying Saucer Review FOIA Foo Fighters Ghost Rockets Good, Timothy Greys, The Gulf Breeze Sightings Hill Abduction Case Hynek Classification System Hypnotic Regression International UFO Reporter (IUR) Journal of UFO Studies (JUFOS) Just Cause Lazar, Robert Scott Lear, John Manoeuvre (MA Rating) Majestic Men In Black (MIBs) Missing Time MJ-12 Moore, William MUFON Nocturnal […] Read More

1975: A REVIEW OF MIBS (Men In Black): A HISTORY

” A lot of people of heard of “something” about MIBS without really knowing any of the details.” “MONSTERS: Giants and Little Men From Mars” DELL Publications (paperback) (C) 1975 Written by: Daniel Cohen The purpose of this file is to acquaint users with MIBs history, how they are related to the cover-up allegations, along with associated reference material and names of files that contain more current thoughts on the subject. Sysops are encouraged to add in the files contained on their systems at the bottom of the file, and any other additional reference material which would be useful in helping others in their personal research. Chapter 10 “The Men in Black and Other Terrors” When the Condon Committee was sampling public attitudes toward […] Read More


AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MEN IN BLACK When the Condon Committee was sampling public attitudes towards the UFO phenomenon they gave this statement to a cross-section of the American Public: “A government agency maintains a Top Secret file of UFO reports that are deliberately withheld from the public.” The respondents were supposed to answer TRUE or FALSE. A substantial majority, sixty-one percent, thought that the statement was true while only thirty-one percent said it was false. Among teenagers, the credibility gap was even wider—73 percent believed the statement to be true. General opinion studies conducted by the Condon Committee, and other surveys about UFO’s came up with the rather paradoxical facts that there were more people who believed in a conspiracy of silence about […] Read More

1967: The overlooked UFO wave and the Colorado Project

Presented by RICHARD H. HALL ABSTRACT A major wave of UFO sightings occurred in 1967; even by official Air Force figures it was the 4th largest in terms of sightings reported, yet no one talks about it. The special significance of the 1967 wave is that it occurred during the one full year of investigations by the University of Colorado UFO Project, and everyone deferred to the project is looking for “answers.” The only answer was the Condon Report. This study analyzes the wave and demonstrates that the Colorado Project had ample case material to investigate during its lifetime, yet failed miserably to accomplish “scientific investigation.” At the same time, publicity about the project obscured the sighting wave. INTRODUCTION The “Great UFO Wave of […] Read More


SCIENCE IN DEFAULT: 22 YEARS OF INADEQUATE UFO INVESTIGATIONS James E. McDonald, Institute of Atmospheric Physics University of Arizona, Tucson (Material presented at the Symposium on UFOs, 134th Meeting, AAAS, Boston, Dec, 27, 1969) Part 2 of 2 Parts 7.  Discussion: The Bluebook report material indicates that other radar unknowns were being observed at Lakenheath until about 0330Z. Since the first radar unknowns appeared near Bentwaters at about 2130Z on 8/13/56, while the Lakenheath events terminated near 0330Z on 8/14/56, the total duration of this UFO episode was about six hours. The case includes an impressive number of scientifically provocative features:   1) At least three separate instances occurred in which one ground-radar unit, GCA Bentwaters, tracked some unidentified target for a number of […] Read More

1996: The Paraphysical Theory of UFO Origins

It’s been almost fifty years since the modern era of UFO reports began, and in all that time and out of thousands (millions?) of UFO sightings, no definitive evidence regarding the nature of Our Shining Visitors has been found. Much has been alleged/hypothesized/theorized/dreamt during that time, but as of 1996, we are no closer to The Truth than Kenneth Arnold was in 1947. The extraterrestrial hypothesis is by far the most popular theory of UFO origins, but it presents many problems. As the great UFO waves of the late 1960s faded into history, many UFOlogists were left wondering if the “nuts and bolts” approach was really valid. They had abundant eyewitness reports, some landing traces, and even purported fragments of flying saucers, yet they […] Read More