1998: Government Files on Alien Abductees?

Over the years, I have heard more than a few stories suggesting that agencies of various governments – including the UK and the US – have extensive background files on alien-abductees. Such a thing is not as far out as the skeptics might think. After all, back in the 1950s, the FBI opened files on numerous and well-known figures in the UFO Contactee field. Under Freedom of Information legislation, I obtained the FBI’s files on such Contactees as Dr. Frank Stranges, George Van Tassel, Truman Bethurum, George Adamski, and George Hunt Williamson. I also have the British Police Force’s Special Branch files on George King and The Aetherius Society. Granted, the primary reason why the Contactees were watched was not because of their UFO […] Read More

1988:The Abduction of Bonnie Jean Hamilton

In October of 1988, I had an experience with some creatures I called “blue robots.” They were living, sentient beings, wearing blue overalls even, but their movements were robotic in nature, and I was under the impression they were acting under orders, doing what they had been told by someone else. I went along with what they wished, knowing what was expected of me without the use of speech. I had total freedom of movement. I was inside a circular metal room, about 20 feet in diameter, aboard what seemed to be a spaceship. I stood still and watched while the little blue robots swarmed all around me, only as tall as my waist. There were approximately six beings in my immediate vicinity and […] Read More