by Dan Smith and Rosemary Ellen Guiley Directors, Center for North American Crop Circle Studies We stand accused, according to the various rumors that are circulating, of being key figures in one of the greatest conspiracies ever to hit the paranormal field. Well, golly… shucks, folks…. Actually, we wouldn’t mind taking the credit, but out of a sense of sheer honesty and modesty we have to report that we are a bit short of realizing this conspiratorial goal. Nonetheless, if others want to continue this conspiracy, then we should not be too modest or too honest, but do what we can to keep those rumor mills grinding. First, though, a little background for those of you who are joining us late. Rumor has it that […] Read More

1992: Project Argus

Argus is the name of a scientific research project, established in 1992 (?), that investigates crop circles, more exactly the effect that the crop circle has on the vegetation in the circle. By using electron microscopes, the researchers discovered some kind of ‘bubbles’ in the plants in the circle, which they could not explain. Other researchers found that the genetic structure of the plants had changed.


Hugh F. Cochrane While most UFOs are known to be light emitting or light-absorbing objects seen moving about the sky no satisfactory explanation has ever emerged to explain them. They have been labeled hoaxes, imagination and misinterpretation which in some cases has been proven true. But there are those that defy any rational explanation and after fifty years of diligent investigation, the enigma remains unresolved. Those in the UFO community blame government cover-ups for this lack of progress and include the media for following the government line. But the public has long ago lost interest in reports of fleeting UFO events which rarely last long enough to be properly investigated. When investigators do arrive and are equipped to gather samples of affected materials for […] Read More


by W. B. Howard PART THREE OF A THREE-PART SERIES…. There are signs and lying wonders of a Satanic nature mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9. Of this I am absolutely certain, these are supernatural, spectatcular happenings,  designed  to lead mankind into an acceptance of Satan’s evil spirits and his plans for world domination. The Crop Circles which are appearing world wide are real, not a hoax, almost certainly a part of what is mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9!  They are not just circles, by the way, they are complicated  patterns called pictograms.  These can seriously affect yourself or your family in an adverse manner, if you  accept  them as being from God, or regard  their messages  as being communications of a holy or worthwhile […] Read More