2017: Is the Dyad UFO “Scout Craft” a Real Lead?

UFOs(1) come in all shapes and sizes, though the flying saucer seems to be the favorite type, at least in popular culture. But one type of alleged alien craft that keeps cropping up in reports of sightings is something called the Dyad UFO “Scout Craft.” The Scout Craft Richard H. Hall describes(2) these crafts and how they are alleged to behave: “A striking pattern of reports has emerged describing what appears to be a standard model UFO, of intermediate size between the small possibly remote-controlled—discs and the often-reported 35-40 foot (10-12 meter) in diameter or large models.  Dating back to the 1950s, many witnesses have described discs (often Saturn-shaped) with transparent domes through which two small humanoid beings are visible. “Although size estimates vary, […] Read More