1998: Alien Artifacts

A Real Alien? This picture was taken from a frame of a video called “UFOs: Fifty Years of Denial” © 1998 produced by Quick FOX Production, James Fox, Executive Producer (not associated with the FOX News Network). FOX Production said that the “alien” picture was dated circa 1952 and wouldn’t give anymore details.Note the apparent bruising on the face and the knot running diagonally up along the thin neck (like its head was twisted more that 90 degrees then brought back). Is this evidence of crash injuries? It appears that the EBE was erected upright for this picture, you can also make out what looks like rags or packing material is just behind it. Another striking feature is what appears to be a tight […] Read More

2013: Establishment Harassment of UFO Watchers

One of my particular dislikes is when film or photos were taken of U. f. O’s are confiscated and destroyed by the authorities, Some years ago, many U.F.O enthusiasts and curious onlookers would gather in the Warminster area of Britain, where sightings had been reported. You gradually get to know people by sight and some you get to know very well through sharing stories and opinions of what the U.F.O phenomena actually is. I always watch for anyone behaving out of the ordinary, and one particular guy would stand away and never mix, and I once followed him when he left a scene of several reported sightings. I was perturbed that he had parked his car about half a mile away, and while walking […] Read More


ARE THE GERMANS DESCENDANTS OF NORDIC ALIENS? A book written by a German American, Reinhold Schmidt, claims that the author was taken up in a UFO on several occasions. The crew spoke German and he was taken to the South Pole. The Americans forced him into silence. The UFO matched at least 2 German designs. The crew leader claimed he was from Saturn. It could be that Germans along with the Nordic nations are descendants of Nordic ETs, as contactees have said that Pleiadians have confirmed this. There was also a story of a German woman who was getting abducted and the ETs spoke German, and they claimed that they had a space station outside our solar system and were the German gods as […] Read More

Top secret Wikileak government conspiracy depopulation via fake UFO attacks.

This Video Contains Facts & Accurate Information on UFOs, USOs, Aliens, Agartha, Vrill, etc. Also, Note Nibiru Renamed By N.A.S.A. Eris Does exist but is not of any concern as some of the Recent Seismic & Volcanic Events are Being caused by the effects of Orion’s Belt, But Do be aware there is strong evidence Cyclone Katrina, Haiti & Yasi are caused by H.A.A.R.P. is a gradual move to a one World Government (NWO) Be aware that your water & foods are contaminated with Fluoride, GMO, aluminum, etc to Dumb us down & Depopulate the Planet Many Vaccines contain Mercury & a threat of a Vaccine that causes sterility is now known to exist, & The BP Oil Spill May Kill off 90% of […] Read More