1995: EMF AND UFOs?

by Patricia Mason The abduction experience is a fascinating aspect of the UFO phenomena and, like UFOs, is elusive and difficult to research. One must rely on the experiencer’s memory of the event. Are these events real? Even experiencers themselves question this. There is a physical and measurable force that can affect human perception – EMF. Discovering the role of EMF in this mystery is essential to its solution.  Magnetite is a mineral with magnetic properties. Composed of black crystals, it is the most common form of iron ore mined in the United States. Magnetite is also found in the cells of living organisms such as honey bees, whales, and birds. It is thought to act as a navigational aid, a sort of a biological compass. In the early 1990s, magnetite was found in […] Read More

Wilhelm Reich & the Phoenix Project

The U.S. Government began a weather control project in the late 1940’s under the codename “Phoenix.” The information and technology for this came from Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian scientist who had studied with Freud and Carl Jung. Reich was an extremely brilliant man but highly controversial. Although he experimented extensively and wrote many volumes, few of his critics have taken an honest look at all of his research because much of it is not available. Part of this can be attributed to the Food and Drug Administration who supervised a massive book burning of all his available materials and also destroyed much of his laboratory equipment. Reich was known in part for his discovery of “orgone” energy, which is orgasmic or life energy. […] Read More

1962: Project Pandora

The Pandora project is one of the CIA Mind control programs. In 1962, the CIA discovered that the US embassy in Moscow was “bombarded” with EMR (electromagnetic radiation). The signal was composed of several frequencies. The Pandora Project was intended to investigate and gather data on this Russian experiment. The embassy personnel was not informed of the existence of the beam, or of the pandora project. According to later testimonies of Russian scientists, the signal was intended to produce blurred vision and loss of mental concentration. Investigation on the effects on the embassy personnel, however, showed that they developed blood composition anomalies and unusual chromosome counts. Some people even developed a leukemia-like blood disease.