(based on FOIA Papers and personal testimony) Version 2.09 COPYRIGHT SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 by PEA RESEARCH ULTRA MAJIC BBS, (916)684-5578 …………………………………………………… Apr. 17, 1897..Aurora, TX: An airship supposedly crashed into Judge Proctor’s (nonexistent) windmill and disgorged the mangled body of a little man believed, for unspecified reasons, to hail from the planet Mars. This (supposedly) turned out to be a publicity stunt for the town, whose population and economy were on the decline. 1922………..County Donegal, Ireland: Irish Republic Army man, Lawrence Bradley, wrote to the editor of “Watford and West-Hersts Post” magazine (4/30/64) that while he was fighting a scattered rear- guard, mostly in the mountains of Donegal, he came upon a cave with vegetation at the entrance that had been scorched. The only occupants in the cave were the sick and the […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3, THE CLASSICS: With the Soviets practically eliminated as a UFO source, the idea of interplanetary spaceships was becoming more popular. During 1948 the people in ATIC were openly discussing the possibility of interplanetary visitors without others tapping their heads and looking smug. During 1948 the novelty of UFO’s had worn off for the Press and every John and Jane Doe who saw one didn’t make the front pages as in 1947. Editors were becoming hardened, only a few of the best reports got any space. Only the “Classics” rated headlines. “The Classics” were three historic reports that were the highlights of 1948. They are called “The Classics,” a name given them by the Project Blue Book staff, because: (1) they are classic […] Read More

2006: Abduction of Hannah Billups or The Depopulation of Earth

by Dirk Vander Ploeg Posted November 9, 2006 Hannah Billups believes that she has special gifts given to her by God, that allow her to see people, places, and events through visions. One day she had a vision of a beautiful little girl that was in desperate trouble and needed help. So she got on the telephone and called the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and related her vision and gave them all the information that she had gathered. The date of her phone call was Saturday, May 13, 2006. The next day, Sunday, she had visitors in her kitchen. It’s important to note that Hannah lives in a very rural location and her home is on the top of a mountain in the […] Read More

1947: J. Edgar Hoover FBI File

1947 J. EDGAR HOOVER FBI  FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES ————————————————————————– Office Memorandum – United States Government TO : D. M. Ladd DATE: 7/10/47 FROM : E. G. Fitch SUBJECT: FLYING DISKS At request of Brigadier General George F. Schulgen, Chief of the Requirements Intelligence Branch of Army Air Corps Intelligence, Special Agent [ ] discussed the above captioned matter with him on July 9, 1947. General Schulgen indicated to [ ] that the Air Corps has taken the attitude that every effort must be undertaken in order to run down and ascertain whether or not he flying disks are a fact and, if so, to learn all about them. According to General Schulgen, the Air Corps Intelligence are utilizing all of their […] Read More