by W. B. Howard PART TWO OF A THREE PART SERIES…. THE WORD OF FAITH & THE EARTH GRID FORCE. Christians have been taught in these astonishing days to depend on the Word of Faith, which is not the Word of God per se, but a mystical “Force Word.” The Faith Movement cults major on this teaching. Through the use of this “Faith Word” or “Force Word” the unwary are being programmed into drawing on the power of the Force, just as the New Agers do. An extract from my book “Faith Movement Heresies”, pp54 55 (not yet online), follows: “Why is the Faith Word the Source or Force? TheBible tells us that the AntiChrist system of the Last Days will worship the God of […] Read More

Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present – Chapter 2

RETURN OF THE ANGELS: Chapter Two The possibility that the bible is a long UFO story was first expounded by a likely charlatan named George Adamson in the 1950s who was fortunate enough to have as an advocate, George Hunt Williamson, whose books expounding on Adamson’s theories were well written and are still intriguing to this day. The downside to Williamson’s works is his acceptance of Adamson’s proofs that he had been visited by Venusians and that most of ancient history’s leading figures were related by reincarnation. Soviet space probes in the 1970s showed Venus to be most unhospitable to life, with average surface temperatures that would melt lead. And the mystical side of Williamson’s work was absurd and totally unproveable. Nonetheless,Adamson and Williamson […] Read More

1950s: Buck Nelson’s contact with Starpeople

Buck Nelson 1894-1982 In the early-mid ’50s Buck Nelson claimed he had visited Mars, Moon and Venus in a spaceship piloted by Two Aliens and one American with the name Bucky (a long distant relative to Buck Nelson.) Buck Nelson’s story is similar to George Adamski , Lee Childers, Howard Menger and was dismissed as a fraud by most people. However the story is once again interesting since the theories of Dimension traveling, Time traveling and the newly started experiments with the Relativistic Heavy ions Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory Buck Nelson’s experience sound very familiar for the UFO-researcher. Buck lived on an 80 acres farm in Ozark Mountains of Missouri, when his radio on one day in April 1954 begun to go crazy […] Read More


(no.51) by George Adamski – 1937 The subject of bringing heaven upon earth may strike the Ear of the listener like the dull sound of a cracked chime for it has, during many centuries, been preached and prophesied by every spiritual leader who has either a pulpit or a soap box from which to speak. Yet there is much to be said regarding the kingdom of heaven and a great deal more to be acted upon. Notwithstanding the fact that all these spiritual leaders orate to great length upon the grandeur of heaven, there is not one of them who believe in it to such an extent that he invariably calls for the best medical attention to pro- long his existence upon the earth. […] Read More