The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 4a

Q: (L) What or who, precisely, are the Gray aliens? A: Cybergenetic probes and decoys created by the Reptoids. Q: What is being done in the “gazing process” that so many abductees report from their interactions with the Grays? A: Study brain. Reflective remolecularization imaging via energy focusing. Q: (L) What is behind their eyes? A: Camera like system. Q: (L) Is that system also able to send signals? A: Yes. This induces thought paralysis. Q: (L) Do they implant thoughts with their eyes also? A: Can. Q: (L) What do they do with implants? A: Monitor and control your total sensorium. Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 3a

Before we get into the abduction process, there is a particular technology of 4th density that needs to be understood and that is Transdimensional Remoleculariztion. This is a term introduced to us by the Cassiopaeans in 1994 as a result of our questions about the creation of mankind. Q: (L) You said something the other night when we lost the tape about the expansion of the star being conducive to creation. Could you give us a little bit on that aspect? A: Transdimensional atomic remolecularization. Q: (L) What is remolecularization. A: Being reassembled. Q: (L) Reassembled from what to what? A: Mode of 4th density assembly into 3rd density. It is a form of “density collision.” Q: (L) Does this mean that this was […] Read More

1977 – 1979: Project Dreamscan

Dreamscan was the name of another NSA Mind Control programme that was launched either end 1977 or early 1978. The purpose was to influence an individual’s behaviour by entering his or mind in a dream state. (V. Valerian claims its real purpose, like in the movie Dreamscape, was to cause a person’s death in this way). The program was abandoned in 1979 when Pres. Carter found out about it. Rumour has it that it would have been re-activated by the Bush Jr. administration.