1993: Observed UFO Occupant Classifications

The following article appeared in the summer 1993 edition (vol. 3 no. 2) issue of UFO Universe magazine. by Richard D. Butler “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 26 “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the Sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose… There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them….” Genesis, Chapter 6, Verses 1,2,4 [GROUP A] […] Read More

The Release of the Cooper Material

FROM: National Security Council TOP SECRET Codename: Falcon THE RELEASE OF THE COOPER MATERIAL There are many hazards involved with exposing information regarding UFOs. It has not been until quite recently that any degree of safety at all has been available for people releasing such information. Were it not for the fact that Cooper released his information so far and wide and it filtered to so many people at once — newspapers, legislators, heads of state, people in important positions all over the world — he would have suffered severely. But because it was scattered so quickly, it would have been fruitless to silence him after the information had been released. It would only have added to the credibility of the information. At the […] Read More

1996: Protection From Abduction

Article by Joshua ( May 8th, 1995, plus update 3/96 ) If one accepts the possibility that the Abduction Experience is happening to many people all over the world, then the next logical question is: “Can a Person do something to stop this process?” and also, “Is an Abduction always a very painful experience which scars the person?“. While I am not a psychologist in any sense of the word, I do feel that somehow people can stop the aliens from taking them if they do not want to go. I can not say definitively that the system of protection I will propose on this page will work but I feel that I have had subtle contact with some of the Greys, especially when […] Read More

1999: Subject: Abduction

The following was taken from the UFO Sky Searchers International list. This letter is being sent anonymously for a very good reason. I don’t want my name attached to this subject in any way, shape or form. I have worked very hard to get three university degrees and gain my professional status. I could not jeopardize my credibility. I never believed in UFOs nor aliens. I thought it was all in people’s minds as were the “faeries” and leprechauns of old European folklore. My sister then began complaining about strange dreams, and later claimed to have seen a UFO which followed her home from work late one night. She later received strange telephone calls with the noise of “pots and pans” banging in the […] Read More

1995: An Alien Harvest

Evidence of Grey Origins and Reasons for Human Abduction Written and Compiled by Dragonbane Final Release (v2.5):8-6-1995 Please Direct any questions to by E-mail to webmaster@think-aboutit.com Among the mysteries of modern ufology is the origin of the entities known as the Greys. These small beings are the most commonly observed entities reported by abductees aboard an extraterrestrial craft and are believed to be the ones most responsible for human abductions. There are many things that we do know about the Greys, derived mostly from abductee reports, but there is far more that we do not yet know or understand. Using the evidence at hand, including a collective of abductee reports and stolen government files, it is now possible to make accurate estimates of several […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 4a

Q: (L) What or who, precisely, are the Gray aliens? A: Cybergenetic probes and decoys created by the Reptoids. Q: What is being done in the “gazing process” that so many abductees report from their interactions with the Grays? A: Study brain. Reflective remolecularization imaging via energy focusing. Q: (L) What is behind their eyes? A: Camera like system. Q: (L) Is that system also able to send signals? A: Yes. This induces thought paralysis. Q: (L) Do they implant thoughts with their eyes also? A: Can. Q: (L) What do they do with implants? A: Monitor and control your total sensorium. Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the […] Read More

Project: VISIT

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: Project VISIT Mission: The project exists to conduct research in order to determine whether or not there is a correlation of engineering systems among UFO cases, to identify and evaluate such systems and determine the mode of operation of UFOs, and to share research findings with government agencies, public corporations, and the general public. Date Started: Founded in 1976 with a membership of researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs. Ended: Present Who or Whom Started It: researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs Part of what Government Agency: ? Location: Texas Special Features/Characteristics:  They studied about 130 cases of UFO abductions with the goal of constructing a model of UFOs, their operation, and the entities […] Read More

1998: Hybridization Program

Both Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs warn about a hybridization program. The abduction phenomenon reveals that the alien agenda involves the creation of, probably genetically engineered, alien (i.e. Grey) – human hybrids. Some of these hybrids can walk among us undetected. According to Budd Hopkins, these hybrids “are reportedly driving cars, shopping, and conducting strange ‘job interviews’ while maintaining their alien abilities of mind control and telepathy. The interlocking data point to alien infiltration into our world for goals unknown.” David Jacobs adds: … “rather than adding just alien DNA to the fertilized ova, the DNA from a hybrid is put in that zygote. What results is a skewed bell-shaped curve where more of the offspring look human-like, less look in the middle, and […] Read More

1987: Project Mindwreaker

Many abductees mention experiencing a (mentally induced) state of artificial paralysis during their abduction. The Mindwreaker Project, started in 1987, tries to imitate this phenomenon, to use it as a weapon. A lot of alien technology would be involved in this project. ‘Kondrashkin‘ would be one of the main suppliers.

1999: The Love Bite: Deeper Insights into the Alien Abduction Phenomena

By Eve Frances Lorgen MA The Love Bite is the title of my recent book “The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships”. The term was first coined the “alien love bite” by a small but growing number of aware abductees who began to realize that some of their love relationships were engineered by the aliens who abducted them. I deleted the “alien” notation from the description, because after working with many abductees, I realized that aliens were not the only ones responsible for these anomalous “pre-arranged” love relationships. These alien orchestrated love bites often took the form of overwhelming love obsessions with an alien chosen targeted partner—another abductee. The targeted partner was sometimes another local abductee and other times the chosen mate […] Read More

2006: Interview with a Recovered MILAB from Reptilian/Drac Control

©Eve Lorgen 2006 This is an interview with a male abductee I will call Zed, regarding his unwilling involvement with the Reptilians as an abductee mind-controlled slave and MILAB Super-warrior via a joint alien/secret government program. Zed corresponded with me after reading some articles on the MAAR (Malevolent Alien Abduction Research) web site about trauma-based mind control and alien manipulation. Zed became aware of the Reptilian/Draconian overlord hierarchy of his mind control program after working diligently for over a decade to free himself from abductions, MILABS and reptilian/Drac mind control. The healing and recovery process involved prayer and exorcism, advanced meditation skills and persistent diligence in becoming free. Zed’s experiences involve classic abductions by Grey aliens, Reptilians, and MILABS in mind-controlled ops as a […] Read More

2004: Alien Abductions in the 21st Century: A Commentary by an Alien Abductee

By James Bartley © 2004 I have had the opportunity to observe at fairly close quarters how the media and the mainstream UFO research community has treated the subject of Alien Abductions. The media has by and large dismissed the subject out of hand as being frivolous and unworthy of serious study. This is due in large part to the CIA’s infiltration and ownership of numerous media outlets. There are countless journalists who are paid “Assets” of the CIA and other Intelligence agencies. Nowadays many “Educational” programs on cable television are used to discredit the testimony of alien abductees and to debunk sightings of UFOs and non-human beings. UFO Witnesses and Alien Abductees are dismissed as “UFO Believers” in the mainstream print and electronic […] Read More

Orion Technology & other Secret Projects 2/3

What is the real story behind Wilhelm Reich? Most people are familiar with Reichs brilliant work with bions, weather modification, cancer biopathy and other devices. Reichs work has been of interest to the National security Agency for some time, and it involves the fact that when a person is electronically maintained in a pre-orgastic state in their nervous system, gateways unto the mind open up for mind control to take hold. It is his most secret work as far as applications are involved. Reichs contact with alien species, his discoveries about life energy and cancer, and the mind control applications are some of the reasons why he was killed. This knowledge was combined with other knowledge, some of it alien in nature, and integrated […] Read More

1998: Abductions

A lot of people have been abducted by aliens. Scientific research by experts like the late Harvard Prof. John Mack, the MIT’s Prof. David Pritchard, Prof. David Jacobs, Leo Sprinkle, or Budd Hopkins revealed that at least 4 million people within the USA have been abducted, and that’s the most conservative estimate. As only 20 to 25 % of the people that have been abducted, have a conscious recollection of the event, the actual amounts of abductees may be even a lot higher. The research also confirmed that something very real is happening to them. Some, if not a majority, of these abductees report physical abuse, or being forced to take part in breeding programs, physical experiments, etc. In most cases the abductors are […] Read More