Project BETA

In a report entitled “PROJECT BETA,” Paul states that he had spent two years tracking the alien craft; that he had constant reception of video from an alien ship and underground base viewscreen; that he had established constant direct communications with the aliens using a computer and a form of hexadecimal code with graphics and print-out; and claims to have used aerial and ground photography to locate the alien ship’s launch ports charged beam weapons. Paul claimed that the aliens were devious, employed deception, and did not adhere to agreements. He and Walter were working on a weapon that would counter the aliens. Have we crossed over from the land of the real world to the land of science-fiction? But then, bizarre phenomena may […] Read More

1992: Abductees

At the 1992 MIT Conference on abductions, Mark Rodeghier proposed the following definition of abductees: To qualify as an abductee, a person must be taken against his or her will, from terrestrial surroundings, by non-human beings. These beings must take a person to an enclosed place, non-terrestrial in appearance, that is assumed or known to be a spacecraft by the witness. In this place, the person must either be subjected to a physical examination, engaged in communication, verbal or telepathic, or both. These experiences may be remembered consciously or through methods of focused concentration, such as hypnosis. Source: C.D.B. Bryan, Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.