Delta UFO, ” The Descent“, ©1996, 1997, Dave Kauble. ARTICLE BY Dave Kauble ________________________________________ This article focuses on propulsion systems, primarily anti-gravity and anti-matter. Several press releases, scientific articles, and science shows have appeared recently which causes us to focus on a significant coincidence. This article attempts to spread light on these coincidences. To do so, we’ll focus on several pieces of a larger puzzle. These pieces are a collection of information from various news and television sources. First, we’ll cover the Bob Lazar “revelations”. S-4, or Papoose Lake, Near Groom Lake, or area 51, or Dreamland, is the subject of a recent Discovery Channel episode. One of the most interesting parts of this program centered on the story of Bob Lazar, a jet-propulsion car builder who claims that […] Read More

1998: Area 51 Really Does Exist, But Still, Nobody’s Talking

By Thomas Hargrove Scripps Howard News Service Many people who believe in UFOs also think that “Area 51” —  dried-up Groom Lake in Nevada — is where the Air Force keeps the flying saucers it captured. And maybe an autopsied alien body or two. Others think the military base is the testing grounds for  America’s most secret military machines, everything from the  F-117 Stealth fighter to electro-magnetic pulse weapons that would make Buck Rogers nervous. What is certain is that there is something in that moonscape property north of Las Vegas. Officially designated the “Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range,” the federally protected territory covers an area equal to Rhode Island and Connecticut. What also is certain is that 1,851 federal civilian workers are employed in […] Read More

1998: Area 51: Alive, Well & Expanding?

by Norio Hayakawa (Groomwatch@aol.com) There is no substance whatsoever to the ridiculous rumor that AREA 51 and its operations were abandoned and were relocated elsewhere, such as to Utah. Basically, this rumor had originated from what appeared to be a disinformative article that first appeared in the June 1997 issue of POPULAR MECHANICS. The unexpected article no doubt was greatly “appreciated” by Nellis AFB and particularly those at the “remote operating base” at Groom Lake, Nevada. The folks at Nellis AFB probably rolled on floor laughing over the article, which was for the most part filled with factual errors, much to their absolute delight!! The June, 1997, POPULAR MECHANICS piece also must have brought much delight to the then Secretary of the Air Force, […] Read More

1998: Nellis, UFO Buffs, War Games And Deadly Crashes

Source: The Las Vegas Sun [NV] Date: Sept 5 1998 Tim Dahlberg [AP] LAS VEGAS – The F-117 stealth fighter flew secret nighttime tests there. So did the U-2 and other spy planes. UFO buffs believe the government studies aliens in a top-security area on its northern fringe. Military mysteries aside, it’s no secret Nellis Air Force Base range can be a deadly place. The crash of two helicopters about 25 miles south of the top-secret Area 51 section of the range in the early morning darkness Friday was the latest deadly mishap in an area where pilots and crew practice dangerous war games nearly every day high above the desert floor. Though Area 51 and its secret programs are steeped in mystery, the war […] Read More

1994: The Middle of the F***ing Desert (A Trip to Groom Lake)

Please feel free to photocopy the text or send or post this document electronically to anyone who you think might be interested. My only requests are; (1) You do it without charge. (2) You copy or send this document in unaltered form and in its entirety, not as partial excerpts. (3) This notice appears on all copies. 06/26/94 The Middle of the Fucking Desert (A Trip to Groom Lake) Ok, here’s my story… After a fun-filled weekend of gambling, smoking cigars, and drinking many icy cold, alcoholic beverages, I dropped my friend off at McCarran airport. He was leaving on Sunday and had to be at work the next morning. I couldn’t get a flight out on Sunday and thus had to spend one […] Read More

2007: New Top Secret Construction at Area 51

George Knapp, Chief Investigative Reporter I-Team: New Top Secret Construction at Area 51 July 23, 2007, 06:11 PM Something big is in the works at Nevada’s legendary Area 51 military base. A massive new building is under construction at the top-secret location. Aviation experts say there’s a good chance that a new, highly classified aircraft might soon be zipping around the Nevada skies. What kind of aircraft? One possibility is a successor to the SR-71 spy plane, the SR-72. The SR-71 Blackbird is widely regarded as the greatest airplane ever built. It sliced through the sky at Mach 3 and still reigns, officially anyway, as the fastest plane in history. Groom Lake, also known as Area 51, was home for the Blackbird during its […] Read More

UFO Basics, "A – Z"

Adamski, George – George, who ran a café near the Mount Palomar Observatory, was the most famous of the contactees of the early fifties. In his book Flying Saucers Have Landed, he claimed to have met aliens from Venus. This was before scientists learned that Venus has a surface temperature of around 900 degrees. He later claimed to have been taken on board a flying saucer for a tour of the solar system. AFOSI – The Air Force Office of Special Investigations. A sort of Air Force version of the FBI. It is said to have been involved in UFO investigations many times. Airships or The Great Airship – In 1896 & 1897, there was a wave of sightings across the United States of […] Read More

1954-1962|3?: Project Redlight

Established in 1954.  The mission of RED LIGHT is to test fly a recovered alien craft. It is conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Groom Lake, Nevada. The initial project was somewhat successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in the air and the pilots were killed. PROJECT REDLIGHT was terminated in 1962 – 63 after a recovered craft exploded during test flights. There were no survivors among the human test pilots. The project was suspended at that time until the aliens agreed to help us. Afterwards it was resumed with a different name (?Snowbird Project?)