2006: I was visited by Alien Mechanical devices

Hi, My name is Ginger. About 1 year ago. I experienced something that changed the way I sleep forever. 1 YEAR ago I was living at my grandmother’s house. I was 22. My grandmother didn’t like leaving the lights on and she would go to bed really early. The house had no air conditioning and it was always hot on her second-floor apartment. I had huge windows in my room. But they were old and the screens were out. So the windows were left open to get air in my room at night. One night… While I was asleep. I awoke to something so odd and scary that My mind just couldn’t figure what it was. I OPENED my eyes and my heart began […] Read More

Top secret Wikileak government conspiracy depopulation via fake UFO attacks.

This Video Contains Facts & Accurate Information on UFOs, USOs, Aliens, Agartha, Vrill, etc. Also, Note Nibiru Renamed By N.A.S.A. Eris Does exist but is not of any concern as some of the Recent Seismic & Volcanic Events are Being caused by the effects of Orion’s Belt, But Do be aware there is strong evidence Cyclone Katrina, Haiti & Yasi are caused by H.A.A.R.P. is a gradual move to a one World Government (NWO) Be aware that your water & foods are contaminated with Fluoride, GMO, aluminum, etc to Dumb us down & Depopulate the Planet Many Vaccines contain Mercury & a threat of a Vaccine that causes sterility is now known to exist, & The BP Oil Spill May Kill off 90% of […] Read More