1997: Unknown Site Remains SO

Sunday, Dec. 14, 1997 UNKNOWN SITE REMAINS SO Linda Watanabe McFerrin SPECIAL TO THE EXAMINER Darlington’s informants – desert denizens, road warriors, con artists, and self-proclaimed extraterrestrials – are a colorful lot, and their stories about alien abductions, government conspiracies, and interstellar travel rival the best from the Twilight Zone. Darlington walks among them with heroic impartiality on his sober and ultimately sobering prowl of Dreamland‘s dramatic periphery. When he digs deeper, the stories get wilder. Witnesses report on aliens called “little grays,” saucers propelled by elements that do not exist in this solar system, the use of humans as guinea pigs, and New World Order conspiracies. There are tales about back-engineering captive flying saucers, interactions with aliens, neighbors from Alpha Reticuli and Invisible […] Read More

Does Vedic Culture Remain in the Hollow Earth?

In Shree Ramayana, we have several scenes that are suggestive of the existence of inner areas of the Earth’s crust as well as a hollow cavity. For example, after Shrimati Sitadevi had been kidnapped by Ravana, Shree Laksman swore to Rama that he would pursue the rascal even if Lakshman had to chase him to the “dark caverns of the Earth”. In chapter 8 of Kishkindya, Rama proves his ability to Sugriva by discharging an arrow which “pierced through seven palms, a rock, and the INNERMOST region of the Earth and in a minute again came back to the quiver”. to an ocean,??? and then on into the hollow cavity of the planet, translated by Makhanlal Sen as subterranean regions???, following the chariot of […] Read More

1940s: The Hefferlin Manuscript

Typewritten and handwritten copies of these manuscripts have been in circulation since the Hefferlins, began releasing them from Livingston, Montana in the late 1940s. At the time the Hefferlins first heard of Rainbow City in the Antarctic, sometime in 1940 according to them, the information was so fantastic as to be beyond belief. It is still unbelievable to most people that there in the frozen wastes lies a great city, comfortably warm, full of scientific marvels from some great, hitherto unknown civilization of the past. Nevertheless, they were convinced the information was true and cautiously released it a little at a time to the few they found understanding and receptive. Hefferlin claims he designed a flyable, circle-winged plane before Frying Saucers became news in […] Read More


ARE THE GERMANS DESCENDANTS OF NORDIC ALIENS? A book written by a German American, Reinhold Schmidt, claims that the author was taken up in a UFO on several occasions. The crew spoke German and he was taken to the South Pole. The Americans forced him into silence. The UFO matched at least 2 German designs. The crew leader claimed he was from Saturn. It could be that Germans along with the Nordic nations are descendants of Nordic ETs, as contactees have said that Pleiadians have confirmed this. There was also a story of a German woman who was getting abducted and the ETs spoke German, and they claimed that they had a space station outside our solar system and were the German gods as […] Read More