Summary of Signature and Statistical Data RF, Unidentified Objects Observed During ICBM Missions

It might be useful to look at data regarding the frequencies of EM emissions from unusual aircraft. The following document exists. I don’t have the document or any other information about it. Maybe someone has it, or knows a way to get it. , by C.R. Berndston, MIT Lincoln Laboratories, Contract # F19628-73-C-0002 There is some sketchy information about EM emissions in the Handbook of Ufology, pages 106-109. Two cases are described: The first case is a UFO sighted by an Air Force B-47 over the Gulf of Mexico in 1957 and documented in the Condon Report. The UFO was reported by the pilot to be as “big as a barn” with a “steady red glow”, flying at “speeds far greater than an airplane”. […] Read More