2015: Professionals Can’t Get Clear Photos of UFOs Either

One of the most common complaints heard by those of us who write about UFOs is that the photographs and videos are so blurry and out-of-focus. If only a professional photographer with expensive equipment, high-powered lenses, a steady hand, and an eye for details would see a UFO … Keep wishing. Two professionals spotted UFOs on the same day this month and the results are the same as those taken by every other amateur photographer with a cheap cell phone. Richard Emblin describes himself as the Director and Editor-in-chief of Colombia’s English language newspaper, The City Paper, and a former photojournalist for the Black Star photo agency in New York whose work was published in TIME, Der Spiegel, The New York Times and other […] Read More

2014: Returning UFOs and Aliens Are Suspects For Mysterious Fires In Sicily

Mysterious, spontaneous fires were experienced at a town in northern Sicily in 2004, prompting officials to speculate that those fires were the result of alien activity. Now, the same fires have occurred again. The fires devastated the town of Canneto di Caronia, located on the northern coast of Sicily. In 2004, dozens of experts flown to the town to investigate the mysterious fires while the town had to be largely evacuated. No power was supplied to the affected area in order to stop the fires, but they kept on extending. Experts, including electrical engineers, military and scientists, we’re all trying to know the origin of the fires, but not even one of them can explain why and how. The Telegraph, a UK newspaper, reported […] Read More

2010: Human-Alien Hybrid Aborted: Shocking Media

The photos and videos you will see are supposedly a human/alien hybrid fetus, collected from an abortion performed on an Italian woman in 2010 who claims to have been abducted and impregnated by aliens. Aliens first began visiting Giovanna when she was 4 years old. She is now 41. The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times. Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months. Date of event: 2010 Location of event: Italy Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species. Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or […] Read More

1970s: Project REDSUN

ALDRIN AND ARMSTRONG ON MARS IN 1970? PRESS RELEASE-TESTIMONY – APRIL 25, 2011 by Luca Scantamburlo, member of the Free Lance International Press (Rome, Italy) I introduce to you a press release-testimony I have written to discuss the presumed existence of a hush-hush military Space program called “Project Redsun”, carried out in the ’70s of the last century to build a stationary base on Mars, the Red Planet. My source of information – named by me “bravoxsierra24” – has contacted me by email. it is possible to reproduce the pages of the press release, and the picture here presented as well.   Reproduction is allowed on the Web if accompanied by the statement ©  L. Scantamburlo – www.angelismarriti.it Reproduced by permission.

2013: NASA’s Alien Anomalies caught on film – A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA’s archives

This compilation includes many of my favorite NASA UFO encounters/sightings that I have archived over the years. All of these examples (with the exception of the second-to-last one) were captured on film by NASA astronauts or Russian Cosmonauts over the past half-century – showing many amazing examples from different eras – Gemini, Apollo, Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, Skylab, STS, the ISS, plus a couple of Russian-source additions from their unmanned Zond and Mir Space Station programs as well thrown in to round things out. The second last example is the only one in the compilation that features footage that was not taken in space and is not official-source (NASA or Soviet/Russian Space Agency). That clip shows an LTP (Lunar Transient Phenomenon) event captured through a […] Read More