1800s: Mysterious Sailing Saucer And A Woman Identified In Japanese Folk Tale

According to Japanese folk tales, extraterrestrials visited planet Earth in the 19th century. Many stories and theories have been telling that aliens have been visiting Earth secretly for many centuries now. However, this particular folktale from Japan, which believed to happen in the early 1800s, continues to inspire many UFO enthusiasts and believers. Reportedly written in 1825, the story starts with the discovery of a very unusual vessel floating in the ocean by Japanese sailors. Described by the sailors as a circular object, it appeared to have a lid covering the top of the ship with glass windows. When the very strange vessel got to shore, a gorgeous woman came out with bright red hair, holding an unknown box. The woman would not allow […] Read More

2007: Bel Air man writes of UFOs in wartime

Research of WWII events uncovers the unexplained By Cassandra A. Fortin special to the sun December 9, 2007   The peculiar red orb hung motionless in the summer sky near Frederick. A boy at the time, Keith Chester vividly recalls that day in 1966. It was about 6:30 p.m. and Chester was on his way to a friend’s house. As he walked, he noticed a shiny red ball in the sky near the Catoctin Mountains. “The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up,” Chester said. “I was so scared that I ran into my neighbor’s house. I still think it was a UFO.” To this day, the 50-year-old Bel Air resident has not been able to find an explanation for the […] Read More


by W. B. Howard PART THREE OF A THREE-PART SERIES…. There are signs and lying wonders of a Satanic nature mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9. Of this I am absolutely certain, these are supernatural, spectatcular happenings,  designed  to lead mankind into an acceptance of Satan’s evil spirits and his plans for world domination. The Crop Circles which are appearing world wide are real, not a hoax, almost certainly a part of what is mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9!  They are not just circles, by the way, they are complicated  patterns called pictograms.  These can seriously affect yourself or your family in an adverse manner, if you  accept  them as being from God, or regard  their messages  as being communications of a holy or worthwhile […] Read More


ARE THE GERMANS DESCENDANTS OF NORDIC ALIENS? A book written by a German American, Reinhold Schmidt, claims that the author was taken up in a UFO on several occasions. The crew spoke German and he was taken to the South Pole. The Americans forced him into silence. The UFO matched at least 2 German designs. The crew leader claimed he was from Saturn. It could be that Germans along with the Nordic nations are descendants of Nordic ETs, as contactees have said that Pleiadians have confirmed this. There was also a story of a German woman who was getting abducted and the ETs spoke German, and they claimed that they had a space station outside our solar system and were the German gods as […] Read More