Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present – Chapter 3 – Meetings With The Visitors

CHAPTER THREE: Meetings With The Visitors  Four miles southeast of Kadima is the small moshav of Burgata. If the full story of Burgata was released, Kadima would become a minor episode in recent Israeli UFO history.  But the moshav has put a clamp-down on its citizens.In order to put together the events of the town I had to depend on notes taken by Doron Rotem while people were still willing to talk to outsiders, a videotape of Hanna Samech recorded by Doron and a videotape of a resident named Dorit recorded by a policeman named Yosef Sari, who filmed a short history of the area’s encounters,purportedly for private purposes. According to the sources available,in 1991 an eleven year old boy of Yemenite origin disappeared […] Read More

Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present – Chapter 6 – Ancient Middle Eastern UFO Tales

CHAPTER SIX: Ancient Middle Eastern UFO Tales  The tenth century BCE produced some classic UFO stories. There was the well-known case of the luckless Uzza,who with the best of intentions,touched the holy Ark and was electrocuted.  Lord blazed out against Uzza and killed him because he had touched the Ark. It must be recalled that God gave specific instructions that the Ark be carried on wooden poles to prevent just such an occurance. Perhaps he should have ordered Moses to place a sign on the Ark reading,Danger High Voltage.  Then there is the sad but ultimately triumphant story of Job who spoke to God and who was answered “from the whirlwind.” But God was not kind to Job;  While the messenger was still speaking […] Read More