2015: THE So-Called “JULIO- case”

  Much came forward under Hypnoses …….. (Translated from Swedish by rune, not perfect) Hypnoses conducted by Senor Jose Luis Jordan Pena,(picture below)who is a psychologist and head of the Spanish paramilitary Psychological Society, Senorita Ana Mozo, a qualified hypnotist and Dr, Jesus Duran, a psychiatrist and specialist in clinical hypnosis. Not once was found contradiction in any of the statements Julio F had during hypnosis. Each session to give refunds to more and more details about this fantastic experience. The first information about the case was the Madrid researcher Jose Luis Jordan Pena. When giving a talk on ufo’s – he was met by a person in the audience, Manolo F, who told me about his brother’s experience. They agreed to meet in […] Read More