The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 8a

This is an assorted collection of excerpts relating to specific questions about different aliens and abduction processes asked by various guests at the sessions at various times. For the most part, they are self-explanatory. Q: (L) Who are the beings that have been abducting Karla Turner and her family? A: Lizards. Q: (L) Why have they been abducting that group of people? A: Same reasons they have been abducting you and Fred. Q: (L) They have been abducting Karla Turner and her family because they perceive them as a threat and wish to drive them to self-destruction? A: Yes. Q: (L) In one abduction she described in this book, what was the black shadowy thing that seemed like a moving “nothing” on the ground? […] Read More

1999: The Love Bite: Deeper Insights into the Alien Abduction Phenomena

By Eve Frances Lorgen MA The Love Bite is the title of my recent book “The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships”. The term was first coined the “alien love bite” by a small but growing number of aware abductees who began to realize that some of their love relationships were engineered by the aliens who abducted them. I deleted the “alien” notation from the description, because after working with many abductees, I realized that aliens were not the only ones responsible for these anomalous “pre-arranged” love relationships. These alien orchestrated love bites often took the form of overwhelming love obsessions with an alien chosen targeted partner—another abductee. The targeted partner was sometimes another local abductee and other times the chosen mate […] Read More

1998: Abductee Brianwashing?

by Donna Higbee, CHT Attitudes appear to be changing as many abductees who have been traumatized, physically abused and violated are now saying that their abductors have only spiritual and/or benevolent motives behind their actions. This growing new trend is a concern to a number of researchers and healthcare professionals who work with abductees. Many abductees who once reported tremendous fear of being taken repeatedly from their bedrooms and cars by non-human entities are now reporting being told by these entities that it was for their own good; that their fear was unwarranted and was simply a product of the abductee’s lack of understanding. In many cases, abductees who accept this explanation are also led to believe that technological advancement equals spiritual advancement. There […] Read More

2003: The Alien Abduction Phenomena: The Epitome of Confusion

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M.A. Even the UFO experts are baffled. There is no truer test of faith than to be immersed in the confusion of the alien abduction field. Perhaps the nature of its confusion tells us a bit about what we are dealing with. Is the ancient “author of confusion” the mastermind behind UFO and extraterrestrial encounters? The mainstream stereotype of the alien abduction experience has been portrayed in popular TV series such as the X-files. This image is usually limited to the classic spaceship snatching the victim on a dark lonely road at night, then subjecting them to a series of alien medical experiments, which almost always includes intense scrutiny of the reproductive organs. After the subject is released, they may […] Read More