1996: UFO Reality Shift?

Governments may soon break fifty years of silence to tell us the truth about UFOs visiting our planet. But will they tell the whole truth…? Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #3 (April-May 1996). © 1995/96 by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. 2826 O Street, Suite 2 Sacramento, CA 95816, USA email: rich.boylan@24stex.com THE ROSWELL INCIDENT Recent and upcoming developments point to public disclosure of UFO and extraterrestrial reality in the very near future. The US GAO (General Accounting Office-the the congressional investigative agency) has completed its investigation of the cover-up of documents related to the 1947 Roswell saucer crash retrieval and autopsies of extraterrestrial bodies. This investigation had been commissioned by Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico. Senator Diane Feinstein joined in requesting that […] Read More