1999: Vimanas

The Vedic traditions of India tell us that we are now in the Fourth Age of mankind. The Vedas call them the “The Golden Age”, “The Silver Age”, and “The Bronze Age” and we are now, according to their scriptures in the “The Iron Age”. As we approach the end of the 20th century both Native Americans, Mayans, and Incans, prophecies claim that we are coming to the end of an age. The Vimanas – The Ramayana describes a Vimana as a double-deck, circular (cylindrical) aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with the speed of the wind and gave forth a melodious sound (a humming noise?). Ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so numerous it would take several books to relate what […] Read More

1985: Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology

by D. Hatcher Childress from The Anti-Gravity Handbook available from: Adventures Unlimited Press, Post Office Box 22, Stelle, IL, USA 60919-9989 (815) 253-6390, Write for their FREE catalog. Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact. While it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps Governmental Military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about ancient Indian flying vehicles comes from ancient Indian sources; written texts that have come down to us through the centuries. There is no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; many are the well known ancient Indian Epics themselves, and there are literally hundreds of them. Most of them have not even been […] Read More