2006: Abduction of Hannah Billups or The Depopulation of Earth

by Dirk Vander Ploeg Posted November 9, 2006 Hannah Billups believes that she has special gifts given to her by God, that allow her to see people, places, and events through visions. One day she had a vision of a beautiful little girl that was in desperate trouble and needed help. So she got on the telephone and called the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and related her vision and gave them all the information that she had gathered. The date of her phone call was Saturday, May 13, 2006. The next day, Sunday, she had visitors in her kitchen. It’s important to note that Hannah lives in a very rural location and her home is on the top of a mountain in the […] Read More

Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present – Chapter 2

RETURN OF THE ANGELS: Chapter Two The possibility that the bible is a long UFO story was first expounded by a likely charlatan named George Adamson in the 1950s who was fortunate enough to have as an advocate, George Hunt Williamson, whose books expounding on Adamson’s theories were well written and are still intriguing to this day. The downside to Williamson’s works is his acceptance of Adamson’s proofs that he had been visited by Venusians and that most of ancient history’s leading figures were related by reincarnation. Soviet space probes in the 1970s showed Venus to be most unhospitable to life, with average surface temperatures that would melt lead. And the mystical side of Williamson’s work was absurd and totally unproveable. Nonetheless,Adamson and Williamson […] Read More