1999: Government Scientist goes Public

Considerable Evidence Supporting His Claims Evidence supporting his claims is considerable. In addition to his claiming Naval Intelligence work at S4 (15 miles southwest of Area 51) from late 1988 to early 1989, Robert Lazar claimed to have worked at the Meson Physics lab, a part of the Los Alamos National Laboratories. The FBI is still dragging its feet in investigating his employment there, even though former Nevada Congressman James Bilbray asked it to investigate over four years ago. Evidently, FBI agents are still scratching their heads, wondering how to both deny his employment at Los Alamos and explain why his name is in an old telephone directory of Los Alamos scientists. An article by staff writer Terry England in the June 27, 1982 […] Read More

2006: Underground Bases, Missing Children and ExtraTerrestrials

What You Need to Know for Your Future By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent – July 4, 2006 My name is James Casbolt. I worked for MI6 between 1995 and 1999 in (I am ashamed to say) the dreaded ‘black ops’. Here is a copy of my new article. I am trying to raise public awareness of the crimes against Humanity that are taking place in the DUMBS (deep underground military bases) around the world. I would be very happy if you could post this article on your website. In truth, James Casbolt 3/7/06 After the completion of my last article ‘MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade’ I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug […] Read More