1988: The Flying Saucer Gazette

A Celebration of Modern Ufology -Issue Eight, May 1998 “Folks, we’re not making this stuff up… Someone else made it up!” -Paul Williams, Executive Producer, “UFO Desk” 99.5 FM WBAI, NY Editor’s Note The concept of definitive proof of the extraterrestrial presence has been postulated with differing levels of merit at one time or another by virtually every researcher in the field. The where, why, and how has been the subject of much debate and conjecture, but never has this concept, this fundamental hope, been so well encapsulated and depicted as in the idea of “The Aliens Landing on the White House Lawn.” For decades, this has been the rallying cry of the believers and investigators, alike. This would be the event which would shut […] Read More

1998: Abduction To The Far Reaches Of The Mind

The UFO phenomena, like any covert operation builds instant distrust by it’s very nature of secrecy and hidden agendas. A new phenomena which I have called “Master / Slave” has come to the fore. An abductee’s mind has been so messed up by ongoing abductions, mind scans, mis- information from the aliens that they look inside to the spiritual sense of the abduction. Such phrases as, “you are special”, or “chosen”, or “you are saving the human race from certain cataclysm”, no matter, builds a “mission quest” into the psyche. This I feel stops the abductee going insane. (Often the search for deeper meaning and understanding in any experience either good or bad triggers the beginning of the healing process). You want to understand […] Read More

The Vedas: Mantras, Mandalas, the Krell Helmet and John Keely

by Jerry W. Decker, Director Vangard Sciences The Vedas contain many references to machines and devices which appear to use certain types of fire. This fire is said to consist of any of 49 different varieties which include sound, electricity, magnetism, heat and other types which modern man has yet to re-discover. For some mysterious reason, I have always been attracted to these Vedic stories, possibly due to a consuming interest in the work of John W. Keely stemming from the late 60’s. Sounds, indeed all frequencies, have properties which formal science has yet to uncover. The Vedas speak of flying machines, referred to as Vimanas, which were purported to use the power of sound for the production of levitation and thrust. On a […] Read More