The Aviary, the Aquarium, and Eschatology

by Vince Johnson Eschatology: 1: The branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of mankind. 2: A belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of mankind; specifically any of the various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment. ============================================================= As more than a casual observer of contemporary ufology, I’ve recently become aware of a what could be a significant new twist in popular perception about UFOs. For many, UFOs are not the manifestation of extraterrestrial intelligence, but instead, are metaphysical phenomena — a manifestation of spiritual entities. Many abductees/contactees are now characterizing their “unusual personal experiences” in a religious or metaphysical context. As […] Read More


by Dan Smith and Rosemary Ellen Guiley Directors, Center for North American Crop Circle Studies We stand accused, according to the various rumors that are circulating, of being key figures in one of the greatest conspiracies ever to hit the paranormal field. Well, golly… shucks, folks…. Actually, we wouldn’t mind taking the credit, but out of a sense of sheer honesty and modesty we have to report that we are a bit short of realizing this conspiratorial goal. Nonetheless, if others want to continue this conspiracy, then we should not be too modest or too honest, but do what we can to keep those rumor mills grinding. First, though, a little background for those of you who are joining us late. Rumor has it that […] Read More

UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 5: March 18, 1996

Editor: Joseph Trainor Greetings, gang! You’d better put on some asbestos gloves before touching the keyboard. This week’s news is sizzling hot! MORE UFOs SIGHTED IN CANADA’S NORTHWEST TERRITORIES A major UFO flap has erupted around the Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Between March 3 and March 17, residents of Hay River, a town of 3,268 people on the south shore of the frozen lake, have been seeing UFOs every night. The objects are described as bright lights colored red, white, yellow and blue or as “two wash basins, one inverted on top of another, colored gray, with a blinking red or blue light.” When they appear, the UFOs are seen about one to one-and-a-half miles out on the lake. […] Read More